MovieChat Forums > Heaven's Prisoners (1996) Discussion > Alec Baldwin in Heaven's Prisoners

Alec Baldwin in Heaven's Prisoners

AB is a fine actor, generally, but he falls way short in this flick because he's just not tough enough. As a jailhouse actor, that interests me as a prime illustration of the limitations inherent in casting; I know that movies are all about illusion, but acting/set dressing/photography, etc. can only do so much before reality peeps through.
Movies, by and large, are mostly made by people who never even got into a fight on the middle school playground, yet these people direct and portray, with the help of lots of smoke and mirrors, a huge plethora of violent action. In a gentler vein, check out Ryan O'Neal's lame portrayal of a man of his time in Barry Lyndon; as usual when an actor chops wood in a film, it's obvious that RO never chopped wood in his life. It's as believable as Richard Simmons would be in trying to play Jack Dempsey.
I guess that's part of why DeNiro is such a big star.


Just watched "Heaven's Prisoners" and I have to agree with your take where Baldwin and director Joanou took the character of Dave Robicheaux.

Robicheaux comes across as so easy-going-mellow-suburban-guy, so comfortable in his skin, that the scenes when he does get tough seemed disconnected from the rest of the film. I never believed that HE believed there was much at stake for him. I think the character was well written; but the directing/acting choices didn't come across.

Compare Robicheaux to Baldwin's Robert Green in "The Edge," released one year later -- a much less substantial film but a much more compelling character performance.

Big budget or small, weak writing or strong, it ain't easy.



David Traversa To think that "Barry Lyndon" figures among my favorite movies of all times!!
