This movie!

LOL. Us kids...The 90's... I remember I SOOO wanted to be a spy after I saw this movie when I was 8 or 9. I even started a journal and printed PRIVATE on it, and everytime, before I entered a room in my house where the door was closed, I'd get a CD and use the back to check under the space between the door and the floor to see who was in there and I was so excited when it worked. 'Course I grew out of that. I don't know what it is, but lately I've just been thinking about this movie so much. The last time I saw it, I was 8 or 9, but I have such fond memories of it. I've just been... itching to see it again! But I don't know where to get it.



i did too! i had this little notebook and i would walk around my neighborhood and look at people in their yards and write it down. my mom still has it somewhere. i was like 8. i was a weird kid


When I saw this movie in theaters I didn't think much of it. What I remember from it was the Hey Arnold! short that played before it. After the movie my friends and I kept talking about how funny that short was.


you aint the only one.
i lived in a neighborhood, so i couldnt really od as much spying as Harriet did


this movie was so great!

it's the only thing, other than eurotrip, that michelle trachtenburg didn't annoy me in.

i think i might have to buy this on dvd...

"...when i go outside naked, people throw garbage at me."



ur never too old for kid movies! :0)

(said the 23 year-old)

"...when i go outside naked, people throw garbage at me."


its sooo funny that you guys brought up things you did or saw when you were a kid. i guess when you get in ur middle teens, you start thinking back on ur most favorite chilhood memories. i spent like 3 or 4 days tracking down and trying to remember all the hit songs of like '94-'01 cause to me thats one of my best memories


wow...94-01? i was in junior high/high school at that time...u make me feel old! lol! :0)

"...when i go outside naked, people throw garbage at me."


well since ur about my cousins age, did that ever happen to you? where you just watch movies and listen to songs from ur favorite time?


oh hell yeah! all the time! that's why i'm waiting impatiently for nickelodeon to release all my favorite shows on dvd so i can buy them! remember double dare, what would you do, and the secret world of alex mack?


"...when i go outside naked, people throw garbage at me."



I watched this movie for the first time when I was like 15. And it was so funny to see how much I was like Harriet when I was that age. I had the same bunch of friends and everything, and I wrote a lot too. Except that I wrote plays and drove everyone nuts. Forcing them to be on the plays and take it seriously lol.
And I did feel a lot like Harriet at some point too. Like, being so different from the rest of the kids, they kind of push you aside at times when it becomes too much for them. And it's hard when you're not being understood by your parents either. Like, I had a notebook too of plays and comics that I wrote and my parents did hide those from me once. When I saw the movie I was like "Why??? Give her the notebook you bastards!" lol.
Of course I never got myself into the same trouble Harriet did, with her friends. But I did piss my friends off sometimes. I still talk to some of them.

This kind of film makes you miss those days, doesn't it?

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LOL> I also like to spy. I've only seen Harriet the Spy this year when it showed in HBO here in the Philippines since I was only 2 yrs. old last 1996 and now I'm 12. I love Harriet the Spy! It's a cool movie! Even my classmates liked it so much! It's kinda hard 2 spy here in teh Philippines bec. We have gates so we can't check out so much what people are doing unless if you go out.

