Her Notebook

Was the brand of notebook she used the same kind that was used in Seven by John Doe for all his writings? The one with the wierd black and white speckled cover...

If so, where can I find one of these notebooks? I'm doing a project on David Fincher and I really wanna use one of these notebooks to make my book stand out.


Thats a composition book, you can find those anywhere. Try a grocery store, office Max, Wal Mart. They are very common and easy to find.

I've always wanted to say this..........for shizzle!


ah ok... sorry, i'm from England, they aren't that common over here.


Oh okay, I'm in America (Texas to be exact). I find them everywhere. They are very common.

PS- love the accents lol

I've always wanted to say this..........for shizzle!


Oh gosh... You wouldn't like my accent... I'm from up north... Wigan to be exact. Otherwise known as England's armpit. I'm as common as a common thing is.


England's armpit? LOL. Funny...


Woah! It's hard to believe that there's someone who's that clueless! That's a composition notebook -- you can get one at your local Walgreens!

Gee, Wally!


We've established that in the post buddy. She said she didn't find many of them where she is from.

I've always wanted to say this..........for shizzle!



thats a good one


If they are hard to come by in the UK, I'd try eBay. The shipping may be kind of expensive, but I bet you'd find it! You can find anything there! :)


I see. Composition ntbks. aren't common here in the Phil. 2.



It might be expensive to buy a notebook on ebay and have it shipped. Those things are priced between 75 cents to a dollar here in America so shipping would cost you more than the notebook is worth. They are called marble notebooks & a cheaper alternative would be for you to try to find that marble pattern (google search maybe?) and then print it out and glue it to a notebook that you can buy at your local office supply store. You could also try using blank white paper and dipping a sponge in black paint and sponge painting the paper and glueing (<-I can't spell this word) it to the notebook.


So that means if it's $ 1.00, it's 49 Philippine pesos. Not bad.



ahhh the notebook. i grew up in asia and always really really wanted that composition book. saw one at a supermarket in california while on holiday and flipped out. and bought a pack. im that cool

* Aside from that, Mrs. Lincoln, did you enjoy the play?*
