MovieChat Forums > Hard Core Logo (1996) Discussion > Welcome to what it's really like!!

Welcome to what it's really like!!

Welcome to what it's really like!!

After many years of touring Canada and playing with the same guys this movie has become a favorite of all of us. This is it. You always wanted to be a rock star? This is what it's all about boys.

The brotherly love.
The back stabbing.
The lack of money, sleep, clean clothes.
Selling out to make it in the US.
The boardom.
The hours and hours on the road.
The few minutes on stage.
The desperation you feel trying to keep it together.
And every band has a crazy drummer, someone on anti-depressants at a minumum, everyone is so close to being an alcoholic if they aren't one, a love hate thing with one or more members.

It's all there. And people in the business LOVE this movie, those on the outside often don't understand it or don't want to belive musicians really live like that.


I totally believe this is true for some bands and I have to appreciate they didn't make it look like life rocks in a band, but the problem is that HCL is billed a comedy with quotes like "hilarious" and "the punk rock spinal tap" on the cover. Both are untrue. HCL isn't very funny, except for some the occasional chuckle and dark, dark humor. Its mostly a downer of a movie. So comparing it to something extremely funny and brilliant like Spinal Tap is a big stretch.

- "Bobby Ralph? Peter Lemonjello. Your house is on fire." - (Fletch Lives)



The movie "Swingers" was touted on the box as "The First Wives Club for men". What trite rubbish. Swingers had substance and didn't have the lame script First Wives had. But I digress. All this to say that sleazy video/DVD peddlers will say just about anything on the box in an attempt to hook people in the mainstream when the film isn't. Comparing Hard Core Logo to This is Spinal Tap is lame and unimaginative. I love both films, but the rock band mockumentary is the limit of the comparison.

I LOVE Hard Core Logo. I first saw it in a movie fest in Northern BC. I'm from, and currently living in, the Montreal area. I still got it. If you have a modicum of culture (listen to CBC radio sometimes), you'll get it. To the Torontonians who didn't get it: I'm not surprised.

(sorry, I can't help it)

Hard Core Logo: Not a comedy. A Drama with some dark comedic moments.



Great, another lame Montrealer trying to get all down on Toronto. Give it up dude, time has passed your lame city by. Everyone knows that its all happening in Toronto now.
The only thing Montreal does better than Toronto are the strip clubs and the availability of illicit drugs. Neither of which is a big selling point. Throw in all the biker bombings and one finds it incomprehensible that someone would delude themselves into thinking that Montreal is better than Toronto. I'd rather spend time in Vancouver than Montreal any day. Its that lame.
As for not "getting" Hard Core Logo, it was wildly popular in Toronto and can still be seen playing at some of the repetoire theatre's. I mean, what was that cheap shot all about anyway? Is that all bitter Montrealers have to do with their time nowadays? Sit around taking pot shots at Toronto that are completely unrelated to the boards that they are trolling?

Get a life LittleGreenMan. Green with envy probably.


I'm not trying to stretch this beyond what it already is; a silly little off-topic sidebar. Most of my post was on-topic. In all honesty, I didn't even remember posting this comment, and as for the cheap shot at Toronto, that's what it was. I don't think I would have done this out of the blue and can only point out that there is a deleted message preceeding mine that must have pushed me in that direction.

I'm sure Toronto has something to offer, but I haven't figured it out yet. Just not my cup of tea. Montreal is exciting and vibrant and as far as I'm concerned, Montreal has nothing to envy Toronto. To me, Toronto is Metropolis, and Montreal is Gotham City. Different flavours, different appeal. Montrealers don't have very strong appreciation of Torontonians, and I suspect the feeling is mutual. BTW, the all-out biker war is over.

Johnny... we're not ennemies, just the result of a very long adverserial mindset.



The people who will trully appreciate this film are those of us that have spent/are spending their lives playing in strugling rock bands.

Ford! You're turning into a penguine! Stop it!-The Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy


Word. Chaps gone wild tour 2005.
