MovieChat Forums > Hard Core Logo (1996) Discussion > What my film teacher said about HCL

What my film teacher said about HCL

In Film Studies 100, HCL was the 2nd last film we studied (the last was "Fight Club..I'm an old man, shut up!). Anyways, we always watched the movies (on the big screen - woohoo!), and then studied them in the next 2 classes. Well, my prof's theory was this:

Joe Dick was in love with Billy Tallent. It wasn't a coincidence the "thing" getting in the way of Joe + Billy being together was named "Jenifur". Then there was the whole discussion Ox had with Mary about Joe sodomizing Billy, the fact that


Joe is ecstatic when he thinks Billy will be with him in Toronto, and then kills himself when he finds out Billy's leaving him. There's lots of other hints as well, like Joe willing to "use" his hero, Mr. Haight, just to get Billy "back from Jenifur". Watch the movie REALLY closely next time.

Oh yeah, and in the Edmonton scene, where Billy reveals that he's "in" with Jenifur, that was the University of Alberta radio station CJSR 88.5 that it takes place in. I know cuz I was working there at the time. But at the last second "someone" involved with the film decided to remove every reference to CJSR. C...ontrary mofo's!



My opinion of this movie is that it's about is kissing your dream goodbye with one last hurrah but not wanting to let go of it at the same time. It's about desperation and fear of the end. It's about getting old and having to accept that. And lastly, to burn out rather than fade away.

It's easy to say "Joe Dick was in love with Billy Tallent" when homoerotic jokes are made. How many movies are out there that have guys making gay comments? No one even goes so far as to suspect them of being in love. Everyone talks like that at one time or another. I thought that for a second when I first watched it. But after another watch, I found that the homosexual topic was nothing more than a joke that went nowhere.

You have to have played in a band to understand Joe's feelings about losing his friend to another band; a more commercially successful band. The simple fact that he lost Billy to Jenifur was bad enough for the longevity of Hard Core Logo to Joe, but losing Billy to a popular band was just twisting the knife. Punk Rock in the beginning was anti-pop and anti-establishment and in this movie Jenifur was everything Joe despised in music. That and it's just a horrible feeling losing a band member to another band/death/just flat out quitting. A band as close as Hard Core Logo were more like brothers. I tight family unit. Imagine having a family member turn their back on you. That's how it feels to lose a band member to another band. Joe and Billy were brothers.

And the whole sodomy bit was Ox just being Ox when he told Mary that. He's loopy.

You don't have to watch the movie closely to empathize with a successful underground band's inevitable undoing. You just have to have been in a band; or even just understand human emotions regarding "the end".

Joe would have said anything to get all the members back together (they're Hard Core Logo, one of the greatest punk bands in the movie), including lying.

Joe killed himself because Hard Core Logo was done. What else could he do with his life when the band was his life?

One of my favorite portrayals of an artist missing out on his opportunity to go out on top, so he fights to give himself one more chance to do it all over again and get it right this time.

Watch it yet again and listen to the part where Ox is talking about Joe being awake for 36 hours and how it's like Joe is carrying a cross. That part changed the whole movie for me. This guy's already made up his mind. He already knew what he was going to do from the beginning. And he already knew how his story was going to end.

In my day you’d have been dropped down a well at conception… no questions asked


Very plausible theory you have there. I was just quoting my FS100 prof, like I said. I just personally happen to think his idea makes sense. Joe will do anything to get Billy from "Jenifur", it doesn't work out, Joe kills himself. Tha end.

"OK! Let's go make some LSD!" - Fringe



Quick FYI:

If you listen to the commentary track, right after John mentions the rape thing; Bruce MacDonald says that there was a subplot regarding the Joe-Billy relationship (suggesting that they were perhaps lovers – or at least that Joe had feelings for Billy). But they just kept this part, preferring to keep the innuendo.

He also asks if people realized that little-girl-Billy, is in fact Billy Talent's daughter.

I just love this movie and cannot wait to see the sequel that they’ve written. How to bring Joe back?!... I just read that 4 sequels have been planned!..


I don't know if it's necessary to the story, or relevant, to make Joe's love for Billy sexual.

Not saying it can't be, of course, but does it matter to how the story is told, or how the story works?

Guys love each other too, as people; they just never talk about it. It's the way our culture is right now, for better or for worse.

The heterosexual man-crush? That happens too. It's a kind of hero-worship. It's not so much about gender -- it's about how much you think of a person.

Joe was pretty lost and unhappy in a lot of ways, and Billy was obviously his favorite person. When Billy looked to be moving on to a different life -- which didn't include hanging out with Joe -- Joe couldn't handle it.

I guess all I'm saying is that there are different kinds of love between people. Joe could've been homoerotically in love with Billy, but I don't think he _has_ to be for the story to work.

The film can be read either way, and still work. The human emotions matter more than the sexual orientation. I have to wonder if your prof was focusing on secondary details.


Good point, LL-9. I agree with you that it's not NECESSARY to the story to make their love sexual. Everything you say makes perfect sense.

But as for my prof focusing on "secondary details"...well, that's what turns a story about a punk band on tour into a homo-erotic love story. It's what turns Terminator from a sci-fi action flick into a treatise on technology. It's what turns Watchmen from a super-hero comic adaptation into a film about the motives of humanity. To sum it up, as the same Film Studies prof said, "Nothing in films is put there accidentially.".

So maybe instead of getting caught up on "secondary details", my prof was understanding the deliberate subtext of the film. While I reiterate that, yes, it certainly was not NECESSARY to make Joe's love for Billy sexual, there were enough small details to indicate that it was done this way. Billy's leaving HCL (and therefore Joe) for "Jenifur"... the offhand remark about Joe and Billy's anal sex experience... and the extent to which Joe went to get Billy back for a show (lying about the shooting), the urgency behind Joe's asking (begging?) Billy to go on "one last tour", the joy Joe felt when Billy agreed to "record with Jenifur as a side gig, but always have Hard Core Logo as his number one priority", the rage with which Joe reacted when he found out Billy had lied about (or neglected to say anything about) his new contract with Jenifur, and Joe's final act when he realized he "lost" Billy forever.

Just MHO.

"OK! Let's go make some LSD!" - Fringe

