Possibly stupid question

First off, I'm quite happy de la Beckwith was sentenced to rot in jail for his despicable crime, but wouldn't trying de that double jeopardy? I thought you couldn't try someone for the same crime more than once? Forgive me if this is a dumb question.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make it your signature!



If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make it your signature!


Both of the first two trials ended in mistrials. The juries were unable to reach a verdict each time. Double jeopardy only comes into play if he was being charged with murder again after previously being found not guilty.


The Juries were deadlocked in their verdict thee were no mistrials
ergo DJH would not apply


That's not a stupid question at all, friend. :) That's right, you cannot try the same person for the same crime more than once, because that would violate double jeopardy. However, in this case, it wouldn't be double jeopardy, because Beckwith's first two trials each resulted in a mistrial (meaning the jury couldn't agree on a verdict). If Beckwith was found not guilty then (during his first trials), then they wouldn't have been able to re-try Beckwith, as DeLaughter did.


this is possibly a stupid question, but why do you feel it's appropriate to advertise jesus christ in your sig?


Because he is most likely a Born Again Christian, believing in the Death and
Resurrection of Jesus Christ; who was the sacrifice for the SINS of the WORLD!

I am also a Beliver in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.........

and just in case you have forgotten, this is a free country, freedom of
speech, freedom of religion....NEED I SAY MORE?



It's mostly been answered but the point of double jeopardy is that you can't be tried for the same offense if a verdict has been reached. A mistrial basically means that since the jury can't reach a verdict you have a do-over since the first time through they couldn't find one.
