Johnny bartlett ghost

Why was he stronger than other ghosts and where did he get the grim reaper suit and scythe from because it seems when he had that on he was stronger and faster than the others and could take more damage (took a heck of a lot to damage him enough to get him out of the suit)? How also could he avoid from going to hell?



He was so evil in life that he became a sort of demon in death. That's my take.

"Don't just DO something, STAND there!"
Pastor Charlie Bing



He was stuck in hell, until his girlfriend Patricia summoned him multiple times with a Qujia board, so in order to fully escape, he disguised himself as a reaper, which would make it easier for him to escape, travel, and kill. He avoided going back to hell by avoiding the "afterlife tunnels," so he didn't get dragged back to hell until he willingly threw himself into one. In the movie they explained it takes a years time for the tunnel to open up for a spirit once they skip their turn to pass on.


he was stronger because he got serious hatred to the world.

he avoid the corner of life and stayed on fairwater.

he did not avoid going to hell at last


Why was he stronger than other ghosts

He wasn't. Ghosts inherently fear the reaper. Their fear gave Johnny an advantage.

where did he get the grim reaper suit and scythe from

The same place R. Lee Ermey got his guns from. Ghosts can manifest ghostly objects.

because it seems when he had that on he was stronger and faster than the others and could take more damage

He's a ghost. "Damage" is virtually meaningless to a ghost.

How also could he avoid from going to hell?

The same way every other ghost got to stay on Earth. He ignored the light when it showed up for him.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


Well answered King_of_Bob!

"Good times, noodle salad"


Its implied when he killed people and even ghost, he took in blue energy.


wondering same thing

"Touchdoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooown Auburn"
