The frogs...

Do schools actually do surgeries and science labs on living and breathing frogs, as seen in this movie?

I'm going to be a Sophomore next year and in Biology, we only dissect dead animals(fetal pig, frog, worm, etc.)



aha I LOVE Foxfire. Even though it's target audience was females, it's still one of the movies that makes me teary every time I watch it along with Pieces of April, Crash, The Last Best Sunday, and Save the Last Dance (don't know why it makes me sad. It just does)



awwWhy does Pieces of April depress you in a bad way? The ending made me happy because of the simplicity. What did you find bad?



I'm on the east coast of Canada and we never did anything like that in high school. The closest we came was a virtual dissection on a computer that the teacher showed us. That's about it.

In university here, however, you do it with certain courses. I've heard some gory details.


I went to a high school online, so I never had to do any of that stuff. IDK if they do it in traditional schools, but a cousin of mine had to disect a worm in biology in like 6th grade, but that was in a different school district. Personally, I don't think that it should be done. It seems that all it does is show kids that it's ok to kill... I know I certainly couldn't do it, and it would be disturbing to see kids that would want to. Kind of makes me think they are breeding killers. What do you think?


I kind of agree with you Blendre06. I'm gonna be a Sophomore in high school next year and I'm going to be in Biology. And, apparently, I'll have to dissect a huge dead rat that is soaked in fermaldahyde or however it's spelt haha. Sounds like fun.(sarcasm)


At my school we dissected dead ones. But at my fathers school, (he went to school around the same time the foxfire girls went in the book. around the early 60's) he had to dissect live ones so that they saw how the organs worked. Like the heart still pumping and lungs breathing.



Yeah, my mom went to school in PA during the 70s and she had to dissect a live frog. Pretty sad for her, I think.

*"I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada."
- Britney Spears, Pop Singer*


Just hope you don't have *beep* in your class like I did. I didn't touch or even look at the poor dead rat, so my usual tormentors decided to **pretend** to throw intestines and ovaries at me.

How does it figure that the ONE DAY I went to school that week was the day of the dissection???


dissections used to be done on live frogs. i don't know when they stopped using live and went to already dead ones. in my high school and middle school we used already dead animal but that was post 2000. i'm pretty sure that live dissection was still round in the 80s and maybe early 90s.

"Hannah Montana is back and she knows what's on my butt!" -Lilly
LILEY 4ever
