Is it just me..

ok.. I'm sat here watcing this movie and I was like "hmm.. she (Angelina Jolie) reminds me of someone" because of the way her hair is cut.. but it's not a female she reminds me of.

I thought she totaly looked like 'Cillian Murphy' in this film.. like it could of been his twin sister or something.. just google him and see what you think.

ofcourse this is just my opinion ^_^


she who?


Angelina does remind me of him, now that you mentioned it. I'm so lame...... it took me the longest to realize that that was the same Jenny Lewis from Rilo Kiley as Rita. It's rare to see child actors grow into successful musicians.


Angelina does remind me of him, now that you mentioned it. I'm so lame...... it took me the longest to realize that that was the same Jenny Lewis from Rilo Kiley as Rita. It's rare to see child actors grow into successful musicians.


it's the hair, i think.
