This version v Robin Wright Penn version

I've seen both adaptations of Moll Flanders and - having read the book - I have no idea where the Robin Wright Penn/ Morgan Freeman film got its plot line from. This one followed the book a lot more closely than the other version.

The eyes are open, the mouth moves, but Mr. Brain has long since departed, hasn't he, Perce?


I agree Robin Wright Penn/Morgan Freeman is not like the book at all and shouldn't be called Moll Flanders it seems to be a completely different story.


The Alex Kingston version rendered the Robin Wright Penn version unwatchable for me!


I enjoyed the Robin Wright version, however, I think the Alex Kingston version is a much more faithful adaptation of Defoe's novel, and a better film in general. It was much more raw and realistic, whereas the Wright version was candycoated and romantic.
The Alex Kingston version is excellent, and like I said on another post, it should be released with more care than it has in the recent years, with all scenes intact and an option to watch it with both of its music scores.


Alex Kingston version is JUST wonderful. it alot more closer in to the novel by far.


I agree with each and everyone of you. This version was closer to the novel.



none can touch this version in with alex kingston, she is moll.


I taped this on VHS when I was 16 in high school. I have a weird fascination with BBC, so I always watch Masterpiece Theater. When I was a senior, my English teacher wanted to go over Daniel Defoe. She started talking about Moll Flanders but didn't know about this movie. I let her know I had it. I told her it was on PBS so she felt good about it. Well back in those days PBS was like unpasturized orange juice. It showed nudity and had all profanity. I live in AZ and our local PBS is censored now, I don't know if it's like that everywhere. So my version had all of the racy stuff in it when shown to my class. In between parts 1 and 2 there was a 10 minute short about learning everything you needed to know about Opera in 10 minutes. Anyone remember that? I love Alex Kingston for doing this film. And it's the first time I ever saw Daniel Craig (the new James Bond) so I was on his side during the meanspiritedness he was getting for playing Bond. I saw it again on PBS in '98, and the directors cut was still being shown. I doubt they'd show this version again now.


The Robin Wright Penn version isn't bad -- it just should not have been called Moll Flanders.

It still could have been *very loosely* based on the novel and had a different title. Then it could have avoided comparisons to this one -- which it doesn't compare to at all.


I agree. I enjoyed it a lot.

"I'm running out of guys in the city Jerry!"
