Similar Stories

Just saw We Bought a Zoo, which like this film is based on real life events. I like them both, but it's interesting how WBAZ features the same themes of a loved, recently deceased mother combined with a father with a vision and a young teen who don't get on, as this film.🐭


Fly Away is actually fiction. The only real life it's based on is the two scientists teaching birds to migrate. Neither had a daughter that did the flying or found geese eggs.

We bought a Zoo I think would have been better if they stuck to the real story. He actually bought the zoo with his wife. He continued it for her. And it all happened in England, not the US.


Fly Away is actually fiction.
We bought a Zoo I think would have been better if they stuck to the real story.
They're both fictional stories inspired by real life events. The point I'm making is Zoo has a rather similar plotline to FAH concerning deceased mothers, resulting in father / off spring friction.🐭
