Armpit Licking?

What did people think of Agent Tony telling Nancy that an armpit is his favorite part of a woman's body. Any women find getting their armpits licked pleasurable? Personally, as a guy, I enjoy my woman's armpit. What do you people think? Guy and Gal point of view here, please?

If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed - Stanley Kubrick


Well, as a woman...I can honestly say that I've never had the urge to have my armpits licked. However, I do like keeping them smelling and looking nice. Boo-ya.

By the way, that whole armpit scene is the ONLY thing that stuck out about this movie, 10 years later. I was 15 when it came out, but I guess it really made an impression on me. Heh.

Drinking and smoking go together like porn and nachos.
AIM: eviljanet


Well, it all depends on the pocket depth....


Armpit-licking is not unlike cunnilingus; both regions of the anatomy emit a rather pungent aroma...



Way too much information...


Well he did explain why he liked the armpit though.....


I have been both the "giver" and a "receiver" of pit pleasure. It is courteous if you want your pits serviced, that you do not apply deodorant, anti-perspirant, nor powder after the most recent shower. I think one can imagine the effect this would have on the experience, a rather drying burning sensation on the pleasure-giver's tongue would be much worse than a little of nature's aroma. If pits are shaved and then cleansed daily, it should be adequate to ignore applying products on a day or evening when one is planning to make time for being alone with their partner. A generally otherwise healthy person will not emit pungent odor from either the pits or pleasure zones below, if they bathe daily, sweat tastes slightly sweet or salty depending on a person's health, internal ph and other factors, needs several hours of heat in dark restrictive clothing to spawn a noticeable return of the odor causing, bad flavor creating fauna of germs which are cleansed away during dutiful hygiene, showering or bathing. If one has a bad odor or taste, there are things they can change in diet and other habits to correct the problem over a short time. I think it would be better to be adventurous and risk a minor distaste, than to live in fear or disgust, and possibly overlook all of the subtle seldom learned secret (or not so secret) pleasures life has to offer.


Every single part of a woman's body is lickable,all of it, from the head to the toes.Besides the armpit contains phenoromes ,odorless glands that attract the opposite sex.


I watched the film on Malaysian satellite TV last night, and the word "armpit" was censored!!


Man, that is some nasty isht. Dude had her juicy fun bags right there or he could have flipped her around to tongue that tail, but nooooooooooooooooooooooo


-That's all the time we have, thanks for playing.

