MovieChat Forums > The First Wives Club (1996) Discussion > Help please- regarding US DVD

Help please- regarding US DVD

In the UK the run time is 98 mins, IMDB and Amazon say US run time is either 102/103 mins. In the UK trailer they are scenes that aren't in the movie- are these scenes the extra 5 mins on the US release?
There's a scene in the trailer where Brenda (Bette) & Shelly (SJP) are fighting that isn't in the film
Also a scene where Elise (Goldie) is kicking her husband
Are these scenes in the US release please??
If so I'll consider importing it.


There's a tiny scene where SJP & Bette are fighting, but it may not be the same scene. Bette tells her ex "what's the matter Morty, can't you buy her a whole dress?", then SJP tells Bette "why don't you try this on in YOUR size?"...But that's it. I would THINK that scene would be in both releases, b/c it is important in that it addresses Bette's weight issue compared to SJP who looks anorexic!

For the Goldie scene, I don't remember anything where she's kicking her husband...They have a few run-ins :), but I don't remember her kicking him!!


Thanks. That scene was in the UK release. If you view the original theatrical trailer there's 2 fight scenes that didn't make it into the movie- unfortunately!
