is this a good movie?

i want to see it purely because keanu reeves is in it
i tryed to rent it out but they didnt have it i finally found it in a music store and i was wondering if it was worth buying


I thought this was a really good movie. I am not a die-hard Keanu fan (like I like him, but I'm not obsessed) so I have an objective opinion, it's not clouded by my desire for him. I would buy it if I were you. I buy lots of my movies from or, so you should try those and see if you can get it for cheaper than you would at your music store.


Cheers! thanks


This movie is good. If by "good" you mean "mind-numbing insipid twaddle."

I saw it when it came out in theaters and it was by far the most painful hour and a half I have ever spent at the movies. It's ninety minutes of two guys beating each other up. A steaming pile of sh^t. I was with some people I did not know well and felt uncomfortable walking out so I sucked it up and sat through the whole thing. Typically, I can handle bad movies pretty well; in fact, there are many bad movies I genuinely enjoy for their camp value. The badness of this one, however, just pissed me off. I was angry about it then and I am still angry about it twelve years later. Everyone involved in the making of this monumental disaster should have been shot. Keanu Reeves first and foremost.

This piece of crap is as good an argument as there is for government censorship. And I say that with complete sincerity.

Steven Baigelman - writer and director of this stink-bomb - has exactly one additional credit on IMDB since this film was made. I think that says something about his talent level.


It's an interesting trip. Keanu Reeves and Cameron Diaz are beautiful. Tuesday Weld makes an appearance, which is an event in itself. Great music and the cinematography is stunning. Vincet D'Onofrio is great as always, and a fine cameo from Dan Akroyd. Give it a whirl. Fun stuff.


I agree with this synopsis-and doubly that Vincent D'Onofrio is outstanding! The perfect portrayal of a loser-you feel sorry for him and hate him at the same time.


Its not HORRIBLY AWEFUL but it's nothing great. Could have been a lot better.

I like to drive my motorscooter Sasha through rain puddles after a good storm


at some points its stupid you have to's kind of slow...but its funny if you understand those situations!



Everyone involved in the making of this monumental disaster should have been shot. Keanu Reeves first and foremost.

Your murderous plans have been noted and will probably be dealt with shortly. After it was found that many shooters first revealed their desires on the Internet, nothing can be taken lightly any longer.



Lol Anakin. The best thing about you is that you pop up everywhere


Ohh you should rent it! If you are, you're in for a real treat! I
remember the first time I saw this, I was about 6 or 7 years old and was
watching it with my mom. Even then I wasn't into those types of movies,
but this one struck my fancy.

I loved it!

"Well I Won't back Down...No I Won't Back Down..."


I think it's a great movie in the sense that it leaves you feeling that you can make it in Hollywood too. In fact, anybody can! I especially liked the happy ending. You know... when the movie ended.


I think it's good.


I like it but I like a lot of things most people don't. For instance I think "Heavens Gate"is a great movie,"The Good,The Bad,And The Ulgy" is only fair and "The Matrix" SSSUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKSSSSSSSSSS.

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