MovieChat Forums > Fear (1996) Discussion > What was Mm's crews criminal activity

What was Mm's crews criminal activity

When the dad is on the phone with the police he says " they're running their own cartel" were they involved in drugs? I know the one time Logan is smoking that meth but that's really the only time they show drugs .


Yes. They were drug dealers.
You see the 2 random guys show up to buy them too. In the scene where the guy goes "Um, we're here to see a man about a dog?"

That expression is a euphemism for any uncomfortable and/or clandestine activity.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


Actually they were wannabe drug dealers. They were more interested in collecting teenage girls soiled underwear - hence why David had a nice collection of Nicole's smelly panties.


I think to be honest it was probably a combination of drug runners, maybe weapons also. Collecting $$ from people who owe it. Probably anything to make money.


not criminals. just a traveling billiards group.



They hustled pool halls all over the northwest....going from town to town getting young high school girls to fall in love with them and then giving them the BIG O on roller coasters. They also set back the teenage girls fathers clocks an hour so they could break curfew. Quite the criminal enterprise. I was impressed.


Simply amazing. That's all I can say. We must think alike.


also traded baseball cards on the black market.

"Hipness is not a state of mind, it's a fact of life!" - Cannonball Adderley


these responses r hilarious.  I figured it was weapons dealing myself.

child please


also they engaged in renegade antiquing furniture for some extra bucks.

