I liked it. Give it a chance.

Bit of a mess, but in a spectacular way. My favourite scene was when Mr. Ritt walks through a dusty, sun-beamed historical library accompanied by the music score - Candles In The Night. It was breathtaking. The plot is very thick and you must pay full attention to understand it. One thing though is the film is packed with cult stars- David Warbeck, Angus Scrimm, Linnea Quigly, Donald Pleasance and a few others. Stefania Stella is beautiful, and her integrity replaces her sometimes frustrating broken-English. Apparently the film took years to make, and finally got released in 1996. Gore and violence is the extreme and very realistic by Steve Johnson (xfx), Winner of the "1996 Lucio Fulci - award." Lovers of Italian oddities should give this a go. 8/10. Available on US Media Blasters dvd in a nice edition. Well, when you live in Italy!

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


thank you for the unbiased review, guy who produced the movie
