Ring in Ice-cream?

In many American TV shows and movies men put engagement ring into drink, food or like in this movie in ice-cream.

Fiancée can damage or broke teeth , or could swallow with food.

I mean WHY someone would propose in this way?

I Does anybody know from where and when this habit came from?

Charlie Harper: This conversation's over.
Jake Harper: Not if I keep talking


The idea is that the person being asked to marry would see the ring. Usually this is done by having the engagement ring at the bottom of a glass of champagne, not in the whipped cream of a dessert, where, as we see in the movie, it get swallowed.

Amazing how the humor dies in the joke when it's explained. ;)

"Thank God the French exist."


THanks :) Well it's not that you killed the joke ;)

One more question if you are American :

Why in films is insisted on GRAND proposal, in front of many people or in public or with some strange long performance?

Charlie Harper: This conversation's over.
Jake Harper: Not if I keep talking


Visit YouTube. It's not just in films anymore. Unfortunately I blame a backlash against feminism. Also, when the economy tanks, people retreat to stereotypically gendered behavior, which includes knight-in-armor fantasies fed to American girls from birth.

When you think of garbage, think of Hakim!


Well dessert is usually expected to be eaten slowly (you just had a big frakking dinner!!) not gobbled up like Drew Barrymore does....it's easy to find a large solid diamond ring without it being a health hazard!!

Also people normally propose like this, not just in movies (in public places etc) when they are sure she's not going to reject...if there's some doubt, rather keep things simple I'd say..

wat are you lookin' at...😬
