MovieChat Forums > Everyone Says I Love You (1997) Discussion > The last great Woody Allen's movie

The last great Woody Allen's movie

No doubt "Everyone says I love you" is a masterpiece from director Woody Allen. Perhaps it is Allen's last great movie. What do you think? To me everything that came after it is not brilliant enough to be compared to this 1996's movie. The actors and actresses were incredible, the songs amazing and the locations breathtaking.

The director's exile in Europe seems to me as an excuse for his lack of creativity. Movies like "Match Point", "Scoop", "Vicky, Christina, Barcelona" and others are too plain, not specially interesting, although charming. Without great stories Allen however is clever enough to use young and popular actors like Scarlett Johansson, Penelope Cruz, Javier Bardem etc, beautiful songs and locations to catch the public's attention. The movies are visual stunning, but extremely easy to forget.


I agree with your appraisal of the quality of Woody Allen's more recent films (although you actually seem to like them more than me. I think Match Point, for example, has no redeeming features whatsoever) but I think of Deconstructing Harry as his last great film. In fact, I don't think of this as one of his greatest works. Although it is a personal favourite of mine, it's just too light, not enough substance to be thought of in the same bracket as Manhattan, Hannah, Crimes et al.

"Reality is the new fiction they say, truth is truer these days, truth is man-made"


I'd definitely call Deconstructing Harry one of the best of his films, which immediately followed this.

"My brain rebelled, and insisted on applying logic where it was not welcome."


'Sweet and Lowdown' is also later


"Deconstructing Harry" was his last masterpiece

"Darth Vader is scary and I The Godfather"


It's kind of adequate, mostly, but that's it. Some jokes work, some scenes are okay, but overall, it's very much Stiffy lite 'n recycled - and a lot of the stuff is annoying & unfunny. Same 'o same'o from a hopelessly one-note director. As far as fluff goes, it ain't unwatchable

Stiffy's last masterpiece was Crimes & Misdemeanors though (and he only has two of them, really - the other one being Radio Days).

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Are you forgetting Midnight in Paris? I think it's excellent.


i love Small Time Crooks, Scoop, and Midnight in Paris.
