MovieChat Forums > DragonHeart (1996) Discussion > Please help save the wild horses from be...

Please help save the wild horses from being slaughtered!!!!

Hello fellow Dragonheart fans I need your help to save wild horses on the open plain from being slaughtered. A bill that has been sent to the Congress may not be voted on and "may die in cometee". Therefore I need your help to try to contact your Congressman and tell him that you think that slaughtering horses is wrong!

Horses Facts-
-"Two million wild horses once roamed the range. Now there are about 30,000."
- "22,000 wild horses are being held in BLM corrals until Congress decides whether they will live or die"

To contact your represenative

For more information

Please help save the wild horses from being slaughtered! They should be able to roam free and not die at an early age! Help to make sure they can live to see another sunset!!!!

Thank You!

Phoebe: Are you making spaghetti sauce?
Piper: No, that's demon blood.
