Siskel and Ebert review 'Don't Be A Menace' ?sec=6&subsec=don't+be+a+menace





Ebert is way too serious. This was a little weird seeing two old white men discuss this movie for way too long. Ebert contradicted himself especially considering that he admitted to finding the movie to be funny. Siskel could've defended his viewpoint better by pointing out to Ebert all the Mel Brooks movies that made fun of Jews, Brooks being a Jew himself. Of course it's OK to make fun of your own kind because it is one's own life experience upon which the satire is based. As an Italian American from Brooklyn, I would've liked to have seen a movie 30 years ago which spoofed The Godfather, Grease, Rocky, Happy Days, Saturday Night Fever, and Welcome Back Kotter, but oh well, I guess we have Jersey Shore for that now. How sad, considering the people in that show are not characters.


I agree. Siskel missed out on a good opportunity to point out to Ebert all those Mel Brooks movies which pokes fun at Jews,blacks, etc. thus negating his "mean-spirited negative stereotypes" argument.


that woulda been hilarious if siskel went into O-dogg mode and yelled at ebert "YOU ACTIN LIKE A LIL B I T C H RIGHT NOW!!!!!"


It's weird that a lot of people do not seem to get that this film is spoofing the stereotypes, which of course is a way of criticizing the stereotypes. It's not actually forwarding stereotypes.


wow ... surprising.

the movie is to make fun of the streotypes portrayed in the 'mainstream' hood movies.

i wonder what ebert thought of 'hollywood shuffle' by robert townsend, im guessing he probably 'got it'.


