Why does no one like

I think it was a very good movie, i didnt like the half human and the eye of harmoney bits but like it was very good, it should of been set in england or wales or sumin like dayt not san fran burt it was good, its fits in nicely between the old and new series i wish they would make a second to show how the 8th dr regenrates into the 9th


I think most people hated the cheesy 'it will be OK in the end' ending.

I think if it was an ALL UK production they would be all dead (for good), plus the woman behind the reception in the Hospital and half a dozen bystanders :-). Then the Dr would have got all moody and left in a huff.


Compared to the new series of Doctor Who the film is great...

The film was critised for a simpliflied plot device (end of the world) but at least the special effects didnt look like they had been done by a college IT student


I am usually quite laid back about other people's criticisms of the new show, but this is one that I feel I have to take issue with. This is a thirteen part BBC television series we are talking about. Not a Peter Jackson epic. Yes, there are certain duff moments in the series, but I don't feel that the CG effects are one of them. For a limited budget stretched over a large episode run I think that the vis effects department does a damn fine job. Best example of this would be the beast in series 2's The Satan Pit. Most of the effects are at the very least passable, and many are of a higher quality than cinema effects were a few years back, and we believed those no problem.

When Pixar takes over we'll let you know.


For me, it was the continuity thing. Since when to Daleks put people on trial? Wasn't it an 'exterminate on sight' thing? What have they got against The Master anyway? How did The Master survive the Dalek extermination and turn in to a snake made of snot? Since when can Time Lords posess people like that? What's the Eye of Harmony doing in the TARDIS? And there is no way that The Doctor is or ever was half human, and why is he kissing Grace? That sort of thing. Otherwise, the special effects were pretty good, and what's a good story without the end of the world being imminent?

In fact, if this had just been generic science fiction, I might just have liked it (I was 11 at the time, after all). Unfortunately, it called itself 'Doctor Who' when it... well, it just wasn't. I know that continuity has never been a really strong point of 'Doctor Who', but this is something else...

I liked Paul McGann. Even at the age of 11 I was thinking that here was the right Doctor with the wrong script. The BFA's have proved me right, too.

POWER! (crackle crackle) UNLIMITED POWER!! (crackle crackle crackle) ...I need a cigarette...


The Eye of Harmony, at least in the TVM, is merely a remote link to the actual one found on Gallifrey--which the TARDIS draws its power from. Since Gallifrey's destruction in the New Series, there's no Eye to draw power from--hence the TARDIS' 'refueling' over a time rift in "Boom Town."

The Master turns into a snake made of pure DNA mainly because he's too ornery to actually die. For a long time, I thought those were his ashes come back to life.

Also, the Master of the Classic Series was a formidable hypnotist. This might be the logical conclusion of that trait.

The Doctor could have been half-human but never bothered to tell anybody, because he was trapped within the restraints of a "children's show." The half-human part must therefore refer to the bottom half. :)

Dunno about the Daleks putting the Master on trial, though. That was just a bit to make the fans happy, I'd expect. Would have made sense if the Time Lords did it.


I always thought it was the Time Lords who put the Master on trial, and when the death sentence was passed, they threw him out to the Daleks. It does seem a "Time Lord" way of handling it, letting the Daleks zap him so they wouldn't have to get their own hands dirty.

-- Rob
http://robvincent.net http://spacemutiny.com


All speculation - I mean, while we know that the Master is too ornery to die, it's best kept as a between episode thing and as somewhat of a running gag that we never actually get to see. And since when can DNA, or ashes for that matter, crawl?

And no, the Doctor was never half human. OK, it's not 100% impossible, but... no. Just no. OK?

And yes, mentioning Skaro and the Daleks was simply to keep fans happy (and it didn't work) - there was absolutely no point to it otherwise. It's just a pity that they never actually asked any fans what would make them happy.

Something that RTD should try one day.


POWER! (crackle crackle) UNLIMITED POWER!! (crackle crackle crackle) ...I need a cigarette...



http://whofic.com is populated by the works of fans who do know what they want, and write it down for others to read, judge for themselves, and hopefully enjoy.

-- Rob
http://robvincent.net http://spacemutiny.com



I don't know that I could recommend any off the top of my head, not knowing more about the sort of read you're looking for. It's a fanfic site, so you'll obviously find everything from amateurish to pro-grade, from short drabbles to full-length novels, from serious fiction to total loony parody, from kiddie-friendly to blatantly adult stuff, and there are even works by people who later got comissioned to write for the real Dr Who novel lines. It's important to note that the stories are rated similarly to American film ratings.

They're separated by Doctor obviously, so if there's one Doctor or another you like, you could do worse than to browse that Doctor's section. You could also use the search box to seek out stories with your favorite companions or villains.

There's also this community on livejournal that exists solely for people to recommend stories they like, so check out http://community.livejournal.com/dw_recs and see if anything takes your fancy.

-- Rob
http://robvincent.net http://spacemutiny.com


i lovd this film, i think its certainly as good as the new series. Okay i couldve done without Eric Roberts, and Grace wasn't that great but Paul McGann was amazing, such a shame we can't see more of him.



I like it. Its ok for what Paul had to work with, hes great.


I’m itching to see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Moisturize Me, Moisturize Me”


The Daleks put thier own creator on trial in one form or another, twice. Once was an on the spot extermination (Genesis), the other was a whole other deal (6th Doctor, can't remember).

It's been said that the Master was handed over by the Time Lords to appease them for some reason, speculation and interviews with Davies point to part of the raising Time War.

The Master has been the only one shown as capable of posessing another body and he had done so previously when he took over the body of Nyssa's father in The Keeper of Trakken (giving way to the Anthony Ainley Master).


Aside from all the stuff that's already mentioned (especically the half human bit.. which aside from being biologically impossible, makes no sense and is frankly insulting) the thing that annoyed me most about it was the ending. According to that film, if you put a corpse into the TARDIS and go back in time to a point before it died, it will miraculously spring back to life. Other implications of this are that surely, under those rules, if you go back in time to a point before you were born, you would cease to exist. Similarly, if you went to a point after you died, you would again, cease to exist.


I'm giving this answer from an American POV..

I remember when the movie first came out all anyone was harping about was "The Doctor Kissed a Girl.....The DOCTOR kissed a girl....The DOCTOR KISSED a girl". I recall watching that scene and thinking that was just a characteristic of this doctor, perhaps more emotional than his predecessors, but also realzied he kissed her after he got his memory back and it was more of an emotional response. The Christopher Eccleston-Billie Piper relationship seemed steamier than this and there weren't all the cries when he kissed her.

Getting past that point, the one big problem I saw with the movie was that if you weren't at all familiar with the original series then you were lost. I know this was suppose to lead into a US/UK produced series, but somewhere I think the producers and writers forgot that Dr. Who was never anything more than a cult series that aired on PBS stations in the states. As such the vast number of American TV viewers knew very little if anything about the backstory. Daleks, The Master, the TARDIS...if you didn't know what it was going in then you were lost. I remember having several friends over when this premiered and by the end of the film only two of us were left watching because everyone else was lost.

Another problem I had with the film was that the story didn't have enough of the adventure side the grab people. Yes I know I'm an American and everyone thinks we just like mindless violence on TV, but this film needed something extra to grab people. I wish they had perhaps done a story where the Daleks were invading the planet or something like that where UNIT would be at a loss and a commander remembers a red phone or whatever to be used in case of such an emergency. Yeah I know not the greatest plot idea but you MIGHT have grabbed more of an audience and perhaps used the plot of the movie for a second or third story arc once you had people hooked.

The problem wasn't Paul McGann as personally I thought he was perfectly cast in the role. It would only do him justice if at some point they did a multiple Doctor story in the new series and invite McGann back for a second chance at the role...

And speaing of that, I believe that if this movie hadn't been made you wouldn't have the series that is on today. In a way the movie was a failed dry run at the new stories and I noticed in the first episdoe with Eccleston that when he asks Rose to travel with him, it is very similar to the final scene in the movie where McGann asks Grace complete with the TARDIS in a dark street/alley, and in fact I believe staged in the same fashion with McGann & Eccleston standing just inside the door.


Daleks don't put people on trial (except Davros) and why would the Daleks let the Doctor take the Masters remains? They would Exterminate him as well being a sworn enemy of the Daleks.



Though Paul McGann was a pretty good Doctor. The movie was missing the fun aliens and time travel elements that I love about the show. It had a weak ending. It was too Americanized. But mostly because he had a romantic connection with his companion.



But mostly because he had a romantic connection with his companion.

I wasn't too keen on that too but there again is it worse than some of the tripe RTDavies has come up with. i think not.

Spielbergs WOTW is an insult to Hg Wells! LotRings 11 Oscars, King Kong 3 Oscars, WotW 0


It was too Hollywood, ignoring the (then) 33 year old heritage of the show, instead putting in a ton of Hollywood cliches. It had its good points, but overall was a misfire.


Really? you reply to this thread, today, with this?
I read this whole thread just because it was the last thing to be commented on and I had just watched the movie... I had also just watched "Night of the Doctor" on youtube and yes, The 8th doctor returns and regenerates!

Into John Hurt!

THIS is what I expected to find being discussed here!
Oh well I had a rant...

I thought he did a great job in the movie and the short by the way. The movie was crappy though... Reeked of an incompetent team who changed ideas on the fly and couldn't decide where they where going. Choppy and a bit boring.
Go to youtube now and watch Night of the Doctor!


I thought it was watchable, its just a shame the americans *beep* it all up
