MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (1996) Discussion > Question about a possible scene.

Question about a possible scene.

I saw this originally in the US when it first aired in 1996, during the scene with the Master & Chang Lee watching the Doctor through the Eye of Harmony, I could have sworn at one point the Master said "the Doctor is in love," but I do not see it on the US DVD release. Does anyone else remember the Master saying this?

Thanks for any help!

-People should not be afraid of their government, government should be afraid of it's people. V4V



Thanks for replying. I guess I'm just losing my mind then.

-People should not be afraid of their government, government should be afraid of it's people. V4V



He did ask her to come with him right at the end, but she said "you come with me." He was surprised by her reply and said it was tempting to stay.

You're right their relationship was off, of course many things were in the movie. I always just assumed a lot of his odd behavior was the after effects of his regeneration. The Doctor has always been a bit jumbled right after he regenerates and seemed more so due to the anesthesia.

I remember when I saw this originally on TV in 1996, how out-of-character it was to see the Doctor show any type of feelings, let alone kiss a companion. Little did I know it would pretty become much a staple for the new series.

I was disappointed the show didn't get picked up at the time, but hearing now that the Doctor would be half human and the half brother to the Master, I'm kind of glad it wasn't pick up.

-People should not be afraid of their government, government should be afraid of it's people. V4V


Perhaps you're misremembering the line in that scene where Lee says "he's so young"?

-- Rob
