What did he say?

During the part where Paul and Kim finally make love, there's the scene where Kim gets on top of Paul.
Paul laughs nervously at that point and says something I didn't catch. What did he say?


I think he said, "It fits!, I Gdamn fits!" I missed the first part of the movie, but I can't stop thinking about it today. It was so touching.


Yeah... I'm male, basically a "regular guy" and I certainly don't cry easily in movies--or otherwise for that matter--still, I found myself getting a little moist-eyed during that scene. It was really beautiful and touching. Excellent work from both actors.


It fits. It bloody well fits. Or something along those lines.


I'm watching it right now. The exact line is "It fits! It bloody fits!" That's such a tender scene in the film. Basically we're watching Kim lose her virginity to Prentice, and I doubt that it could have gone any more smoothly. We should all be so lucky.
