The dog lives??

This was probably brought up somewhere in the recesses of this board, I didn't bother to check, but I just saw this movie again for the first time since I was young last night and felt compelled to mention this.

I more than anyone hate to see any pet in a movie get the axe, especially when it is a dog, but this movie had no right bringing the dog back the way that it did. They started off by creating an incredibly evoking scenario for the dog to die in having it try to swim underwater, and I relinquished the fact that it wasn't coming back. I don't really see any possible way it could have survived. It would have been pushing it for the dog to even make it by just swimming with the owner the few yards to the other side based on the circumstances. I'm not sure many dogs even if trained to do so would be able to swim underwater for that great of a length, and this was just your average pet being forced to do just that. So, of all the unfeasible situations depicted in this movie- this had to be one that stuck out the most to me. When I saw the dog come swimming back into the scene towards the end all I could think was WTF!!??



Was the pun intended when saying "throwing a bone" in reference to a character which is a dog? Because if you did, bravo. I felt the same way too, it was the only one I cared about in the least. I guess unless he found some other safe haven in the meantime and like you said got flushed thru, either way, seemed pretty unlikely he would have made it.



my dog really was into this movie. i think she had a crush on that chocolate lab!

His name...was Julio Iglesias!



i hope.

His name...was Julio Iglesias!


A larger opening was created in the area where the rats were first seen coming into the room. This allowed the dog to enter the room , swimming with his head above water.


It´s a common thing for this kind of movies that there is a dog who survives everything. Like in Independence Day for example.

The movie "Mars Attacks" made fun of that cliché and an alien is killing the dog with a laser beam. The scene itself is only funny if you get the joke, that they are making fun of that cliché of the surviving dog in those movies.
