how does it end

i have only seen the first one and i want to know if it has any finality,



Not really. Actually you will probably be a little disappointed by the ending for Darkman 3. It just abruptly ends while he finishes his conversation with the woman who's husband Darkman had to stop. I was surprised because I too thought that it would be a little better. I own all 3 Darkman movies on DVD so you can guess how I felt.

The World Is Yours...




Darkman got the skin to work in Darkman 3. It lasts longer than 99 minutes, but he only had a small sample of it and the data got destroyed (if I'm not mistaken, been a while since I have seen it, and I can't find any of the DVD's)
He gave the only sample he had to this little girl who's face got scared.

There is only room for 1 snake


and then he shows his face to her mother and she's devoid of any reaction. tho, i thot the scene was sweet and its my favorite in the movie

Oh, you've got to be sh*****' me! -Darkman


The ending was appropriate. No way is a Darkman movie going to end with Darkman and the girl he loves walking hand in hand into the sunset. His life is one of solitude till the end of his days.



The second film "Return of Durant" is actually a better series closer (since it was filmed after this one, and takes place after it in continuity, but was released first to capitalize on Larry Drake's return).

So watch the first one, this one, and then Return of Durant.
