best victory?

Whose game winning save was best in your opinion? Conway's penalty shot, Gaffney's ending save, or Goldberg's shot from defense? I think Charlie's was the best, because he accomplished something Bombay failed at.


The penalty shot was the best Gaffney save was stupid b/c evryone would have known right away if it was a goal and the Goldeberg goal was cool


I did like conway's penalty shot the best and gaffney's ending save, but i also think that adam banks' penalty shot in the 5 on 5 against iceland / when he hurt his arm and skated towards the far side of the goal with the puck straight across from him, at the last split second he tricked the goalie and stuck his stick out far enough to reach and stab the puck just enough to get it into the goal. Also another big/exciting play i thought was the save by adam banks in D3 when Gaffney got taken out of the goal an he came from behind the net and jumped infront of the puck to stop it.


Also another big/exciting play i thought was the save by adam banks in D3 when Gaffney got taken out of the goal an he came from behind the net and jumped infront of the puck to stop it.

yeah, when I saw that move, I went "Yeah, that's my man." : )


charlie's in the first one.


I love Goldberg's because it was comical. Julie's was ridiculous because of that false suspense. Gunnar Shoots, buzzard does not go off, indicating he did not make it but yet the crowd is waiting in suspense for nothing.


I liked that too but I thought it was Charlie that did that.


I liked Charlie's save.

Julie like everyone else says is kind of too suspenseful.

and Goldberg was like comical.
