Stirring the pot...

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the movie, notwithstanding the use of the wrong chopper.
I'm just wondering where all the war-flamers are. I mean, in every war-type movie I've read about, you have all the peaceniks running their uneducated mouths (or fingers, in this case) about the futility and worthlessness of war.
Where are you?
I'm in the mood for a joust.

Refusal to believe does not negate the truth.


G'day GraGoste.

Now you wouldn't be trying to impersonate a troll would you? ;-)

OK ... I'll nibble.

Maybe its because 'we' are content for the moment to savour the eloquent expression of the very real fact that "the first casualty in war is truth"? *smile*

Of course we all know that if all wars and threats of wars ceased tomorrow, huge numbers of people would suddenly be out of work the day after. But then, given that wars escalate national debt and so maintain creditor control over a nation, perhaps busting their control would spread some of the wealth again and provide the prosperity for all those out of work to be in work again.

There. Was that what you were after? *grin*

On a pensive note: Do you remember (or if it was before your time have you heard) that very interesting and poignant song of Donovan's back in the 60's, called "Universal Soldier"? It placed responsibility for war fair and square in the laps of the consenting soldier across all times and boundaries, making the very valid point that if all people simply refused to fight, wars couldn't be successfully fomented. A valid and real observation, but of course very difficult to implement when "all people" are not [un]mobilised with the same philosophy - and if we see the often obvious fact that our nation and our family is under threat. I submit that the most ardent pacifist would pick up the closest 'weapon' (a pitchfork perhaps) to defend his wife and children when the enemy pulls into his driveway. Better though to be prepared a little before that eventuality.

That is... until we are all [un]mobilised around the common philosophy articulated in the "Universal Soldier". My greatest respect to those who work hard in their efforts to bring this about. Most of them probably realise that they'll never succeed, and yet in their integrity still fight the fight!
