the ending (SPOILERS)

why would rachel be happy to see seth alive and well? he knocked her up, then tried to kill himself, leaving her to raise a child alone. doesn't sound like such a great catch to me! granted, he didn't know he knocked her up, but that's always a possibility you have to consider when you have intercourse. and even if it wasn't, what kind of guy would win a married woman's heart, then leave her just so he can check one more thing off of his list? the whole time i was watching the movie (which i otherwise enjoyed), i was wondering how they were going to handle that commandment without making him be a horrible person. i don't think they pulled it off. i think seth was a horrible person for trying to kill himself. thoughts?

The muffin factory is CLOSED!


I think you missed the part where Seth was explaining himself in saying that everything he loved has been taken from him. To Seth it wasn't 'checking one more thing off' it was ending everything.

From Seth's POV if he stayed with her then G-d would have taken her away like He did with Karen (former wife) his house, his job ect.

So Seth was killing himself to end his suffering.
