MovieChat Forums > Campfire Tales Discussion > ???What is the eerie 1930's Song from '...

???What is the eerie 1930's Song from 'the locket' segment???

I really want to know what it is. I watched the movie on vhs years ago and I just watched the dvd version today but the song is different, so I don't even have any words to search for. Can anyone help?


Seems like it must be 'Old Man Jack' by THE STILL (it's all caps in the credits for some reason), courtesy of Folkus, Inc. That's the last song in the credits before 'Monster Mash.'
Good luck finding a copy of the song, though; Google just gave me nothing but junk!

'Destiny is a fickle bitch.'
-Benjamin Linus


you mean that song that would play on the record after you hear the clock go off?


No that's the song right at the beginning of the segment when he drives in on his motorcycle...this song sounds like old blues or's so creepy. Thanks for your reply though!


So what's the one that keeps repeating all the time? Something about "It's Only the Man In The Moon", as far as I could tell.


Bump...still interested in finding this song.
