MovieChat Forums > Campfire Tales Discussion > Humans can lick too...

Humans can lick too...

I'm 16, was 16 when I saw this movie, and I have an opinion about the humans can lick segment. Anytime a movie can make you so paranoid that you search your room, behind the door, in the closet, under the bed, etc., with all the lights on, and a ginzu knife in your hand for protection, that's real horror.


im 16 and i was eight when i saw this movie. and im usually the type that doesnt get scared. but for days after i saw this, every time i heard a bump the hair on the back of my neck stood on end and all i could hear was my heart pounding in my ears.

i love that feeling.



This 'story' creeped me out, and I'm a dude. The shot of him under the bed gave me the heebie jeebies.


You got it.



i saw this when i was like 15, i'm 20 now.. and none of the other stories really scared me except for this one. to this very day i get paranoid when i'm going to bed and a limb (especially my hand) is laying off the bed in fear of someone licking it or just someone in general underneath my bed. it seems that no one i know has seen this movie either, everytime i mention this movie to a friend they've never heard of it.



Yes, exactly the point of the story. This must be on of the first movies on this topic. Anyone who can think of an earlier film?

"What does it do?"
"It doesn't do anything. That's the beauty of it."


yeah that story scared the *beep* outta me.
my uncle used to tell it to me when i was younger, only to find out he got that story from this movie, anyways, it always gave me the willies.


If it was this version, evidently with good reason, while it would most likely NOT result in humans can lick, it IS highly possible for a child online to unknowingly set themselves up in a trap with a killer.


When i was younger i was having a sleep over with one of my friends. this friend told me when we were going to bed to never let anything hang over the edge of the bed, just incase there is something down there. this happened when i was 10 and i still never let a limb hang over the bed. this movie REALLY enforced this! its one of the scariest things i have ever seen in a movie.


Ugh. *shivers* Yeah, this was the only segment in the movie that really bothered me. Fortunately, I'd heard the urban legend before I ever saw the movie, so I knew what was coming.

But still, it's an incredibly scary concept. Even more so because it COULD happen. It terrified me and I don't even have a dog.

I always check under my bed, though. Religious habit. XD

"For the love of God, and all that is holy, MY ANUS IS BLEEDING!"


Ah huh, same here. Am 20 now, haven't seen it since I was 15/16. My closets are 'mirrored' and I can see the reflection of beneath my bed as I lay in it. Occasionally the memory of that scene will manifest itself in my head and even though I know its silly my blood will chill and my hairs stand on end and I even to get up out of bed for awhile in an attempt to 'shake' it off. Thank god I don't have a dog, that'd only increase the paranoia.


Sorry to be so critical but it was "People can lick too".


This story always used to creep me out. When i was told it as a kid it was always an old lady who lived by herself and the dog was a poodle.

IMDB Member since June 5th 2004.



Wow I'm glad I'm not the only one. I'm 22 years old and I saw this movie when I was like 13 and it scared the crap out of me. I couldn't goto sleep with any parts of my body hanging off the bed because I thought there'd be some pedo down there ready to kill me or lick me or something. I first saw this when the internet was booming too so I knew all too well the risks of chatting online and giving your personal information out.

To this day I still get freaked out when I think about it. No one has ever saw this movie either that I know of in real life which sucks because I wanted to see if anyone else would have been freaked out by it too.


This segment terrified me.

Thankfully I just have a mattress on the floor so I don't have to be paranoid about someone being under my bed.

Sadly I still have a creepy closet in my room.

I'm one of those really dumb people that gets scared and paranoid really easily, but yet I still love horror movies and watch them constantly. xD


That's because, admit it: any horror movie buff will tell you that it's kind of exciting to be scared. It's a sign that the film was effective and did its job - it's job being scaring the hell out of you.

But anyway, it's kind of nice to know I'm not the only person who checks everywhere before going to bed. But the absolute worst is when you're almost asleep, all cozy and comfortable, and the whole "People can lick too" thing pops up inside your head, out of nowhere. >.< It's kept me up a couple of times.

"For the love of God, and all that is holy, MY ANUS IS BLEEDING!"



This one freaked me right out. Eeeh. Though..anyone have a picture of his face when he's licking her? I want to show it to this "brave" 11 year old girl

This is your life and it is ending one minute at a time


This story was around before the movie. My friend told it to me when I was about 8, and it scared the *beep* out of me for years!! Creepiest urban legend ever.


i never saw the film, but this story was in the swedish anthology of urban legends "råttan i pizzan" (the rat in the pizza). it was one of those things i read growing up that really freaked me out. and it still gives me the chills thinking of it.


theres a couple of variations on this, theres DRIP which is pretty creepy and urban myth chillers had a short segment with a girl in an apartment on her own with her dog. Both british aswell funnily enough since i dont really connect urban legends with britain but i wont complain since both are awesome and i'm british :)

DRIP (1996)

I couldn't find a link for the urban chillers one but its in the same segment as these 2, quality is awful but hey, i've got it on DVD recorded off a VHS when it played on sky's sci-fi channel like 10 years ago... so if anyone wants it i'll upload on youtube at somepoint.


Humans can lick too......and are less likely to transmit diseases than dogs.

I am surprised that the little girl doesn't mind being licked by that fleabag.


Omg... this movie scared the *beep* outta me when I was younger, even seeing it today, the way the pedo growls at her when she seems him in the mirror gives - oh, there's those chills. :/

I told my mom I was an ass virgin. Guess what? Nope! I got *beep* in the ass 7 times YESTERDAY!
