MovieChat Forums > Campfire Tales Discussion > Song difference - VHS vs. DVD version.

Song difference - VHS vs. DVD version.


I was happy to see this movie finally on DVD, but there was one thing that bothered me. In the third story, there is a really eerie song that plays over on the phonograph when the murder of the daughter and her lover is re-enacted over and over again every night. I owned the VHS of this movie because that was all that was available for quite some time, and that song is creepy to me to this day.

But on the DVD release, the song is recognizably different, and the whole third story didn't seem as creepy to me anymore, because the song on the original VHS version had a much more eerie tone to it. I'm just wondering if anyone else noticed the same thing, and if so, why they changed the song for the DVD release?


I just re-watched this today, and while I didn't notice that the song was different, I did notice that I didn't think that story had the same creepy effect that it used to, and I bet the reason was because of the song. What song plays now when it is ever on TV now?

"Every once in awhile, a girl has to indulge herself." -Carrie "Sex and the City"


Yep, the song on the original video version was much creepier. The song they have playing on the DVD was ridiculous, the story wasn't nearly as eerie as it was before. Lame.


It most likely has to do with legalities and song rights or something of that nature.
Have you ever seen the late 70`s comedy, "Love at First Bite" with George Hamilton and Susan St.James? It had this really great scene where they are at this disco.(George plays Dracula in modern New York) They do a dance to "I Like The Night Life" in the original. I got the movie on DVD last year, and the song has been replaced by some stupid instrumental garbage. It ruined the whole scene. I looked the movie up here on IMDb just to see why that was done. It turns out that the writer or the artist or both(can`t remember) demanded more money to use "I Like the Night Life" on the DVD release. More money than the distributers were willing to pay, apparently. It`s a crying shame.


I want to know the name of that 30s song the OP was talking about when they reenact the murder every night. IT is so Scary when it plays. Who is the artist. surely somone must know.


Seems like it must be 'Old Man Jack' by THE STILL (it's all caps in the credits for some reason), courtesy of Folkus, Inc. That's the last song in the credits before 'Monster Mash.'

'Destiny is a fickle bitch.'
-Benjamin Linus


So will the laserdisc version have the song from the VHS since they came out at the same time? I havent got a player just the laserdisc so i cant check.


Whoa, can't believe this thread is still here!

I remembered this movie the other day and came on here to peruse the board. I have the VHS of this movie still and want to go back and watch the Locket segment again, because it's been years since I've seen it with the original song featured. It definitely made the segment much scarier, and the song they replaced it with on the DVD is not even remotely as eerie. Kind of sad, really. It's funny how great of an effect a song can have on the way you perceive a film. Watching it on the DVD with the alternate song, it's not the same.
