Fav story?

What's your favorite segment of the movie? Mine is most definately "The Honeymoon," while not partically original nonetheless a great creepy as hell monster story. Wish they'd release a DVD of this movie already.


I liked the one with the locket, I thought that one was good overall. The "People Can Lick Too" was very creepy (that guy was so scary!).


I really can't pick a favorite I liked them all, When I first saw this movie the story the Locket freaked me out whenever the clock would go off and the lightning would flash I thought that was pretty scary but now I've seen a lot it don't bother me anymore. also Humans Can Lick Too is a good one. The Honeymoon was good but I never understood what kind of monsters were trying to get the woman, were they vampires or something?


I like them all, but I guess the ones that stand out for me are "People Can Lick, Too" and "The Honeymoon".

"Enjoy it while it lasts." - Xenia, GoldenEye


All of the stories were scary but the most horrifying for me would be "People Can Lick Too" story. That story made me wanna never type IM's on the internet again.


Yeah I agree; The Locket was definitely my favorite [& the scariest in my opinion] When the clock strikes, the lightening strikes, the lanterns/candles, the father's voice, AND the "Old-timey" record plays...smh...real cReEpY~ The story was pretty good as well.



I like "People Can Lick Too" that one is so creepy.


"People can lick too" was my favorite one. I remember telling that story was I was little and it scared me then and it still scares me now. I stubbled across this movie on some movie channel the other night. It was so good. I loved how it ended too I actually didn't see that coming at all.
"Its a shame about the raisins"


I liked all of them. The creepiest were The Honeymoon and People Can Lick Too.


as far as original use of spookiness, i would have to say the honeymoon. but as far as the best remake of a great story, it'd be the locket. poor glenn :'(

<3 ashleigh


What do you mean by "remake of a great story", whisperingphoenix?


Definately "People Can Lick Too"...that story always scares the crap out of me. Great movie though.


"The Locket" and "People Can Lick Too" are my favorites!

Maybe deep down.. we have a need to be scared.



"The Honeymoon" I dont know why, I just love good stories with an ending like that.


Is the " People can lick to" about a guy under her bed licking her hand when she thought it was her dog? I heard that one from other people . Also is the legend of the lady putting her dog in the microwave on here? i'm wondering cause i don't want to watch that one, i'm not really into watching animals like that.



just reading about 'people lick too' scares me, i saw it when i was younger and movies like nightmare on elm street f'd my childhood up and people lick too f'd me up during my early teen years, i had to sleep with the light on for a long time, im not a fan of horror movies when i saw this movie on hbo and i was horrified by this movie not alot of ppl know about campfire tales but people lick too and other stories are definatley good stories to tell people but i will never see this movie again, lol, i'm a wuss when it comes to this movie, i'll see the exorcist but when she's walking down the stairs i gotta turn the movie off and curl into a ball, campfire tales is def my top 5 scariest movies ive ever seen


I loved "The Locket" because I read that story when I was little and it always scared the hell out of me. The version I read was called "The Green Ribbon" from "In a Dark, Dark Room and Other Scary Stories" by Alvin Schwartz. I can't believe they actually used that story in a movie!


I don't know if this is the right movie or not. But i remember something about a little creature with sharp teeth coming back to life after being found burnt. Is this the same movie?


That sounds sort of like Trilogy of Terror or Trilogy of Terror 2.

Zuni Fetish Doll: http://www.retrocrush.com/100monsters/71.html



I cant say... I like The Honeymoon, but I really had to take a leak, so i missed the part where you see that monster dude... Defintly People Lick Too... That Rocked

Ha Ha! I just made you waste 4 seconds of your life. Tool.


I really liked "People can Lick too". I read that story not too long ago, and it freaked the hell out of me. The idea of someone in your house -And that close, also- is a scary one. Though I think the original story was just alittle scarier... You had no idea how the man got into the house, or why he was there. All you knew was that he was a lunatick not a
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pedophile... Still awesome, seeing one of my favorite urban legends EVER come to life.

"What are you people, a buncha' communist?"

-The Red Guy


The Honeymoon one is creepy and sad. The People Can Lick Too just makes my skin crawl. I really can't watch that one. *shudder* The Locket though, even if it is confusing, is the reason I watched the movie in the first place -- because of Glenn Quinn.


What about the very end story? I mean, the VERY end "story". That was a good twist. Especially how everyone ties in.

Glenn Quinn 1970 ~ 2002 "May your glass be ever full." ~ Irish Blessing
