Hans Zimmer music

Music in this movie is freakin awesome!!! Annyone ever play Perfect Dark for N64?


Ive got the soundtrack, it's so good.


Absolutely Amazing Soundtrack =)

I love Han Zimmers music in general but I loved the catchy soundtrack throughout,it seemed to fit well!

Avoid suspicion, manipulate your friends, and eliminate your enemies!


What's gotta do with Perfect Dark?? I'm confused.


Yeah this soundtrack rules. Zimmer did this, The Rock, the Peacemaker, and Crimson Tide all within like two years of each other. Really put the guy on my radar.


I also own the original scores for The Rock and Broken Arrow, love the music. But Conan the Barbarian is BEST MUSIC EVER FOR ANY MOVIE!!! basil poledouris is the man. Or I should say, WAS the man... he died in 2006 and didn't even make a headline. I just looked it up this second to get a spelling on his name... :*(

Freaking American media doesn't respect NADA unless there's a way to sell something from it, even someone's death.


basil poledouris is the man. Or I should say, WAS the man... he died in 2006 and didn't even make a headline.

Is he dead?? Man, I didn't know that... I love his music too. Conan, Robocop, The Red October, they're so awesome.


