Classic Scream!!!

When howie is booted out of the train. I ve heard it in several movies but i can only remember it in face off , off the top of my head. maybe travolta got a thing for the mountain dew scream . does anyone remember any other movies that this can be heard in.


Classis Wilhelm Scream isn't it? It's been whored around quite alot. I think it was even in the intro to AHHH! Real Monsters too lol.


It's not the Wilhelm, but it has been used in other films. It almost sounds like when Frost gets torched and falls down the walkway in Aliens.


There was some other movie where a helicopter is shot and goes down in flames. As it crashes into the ground in slo-mo you hear it. "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!" (That's what it sounds like to me. )


You're not thinking of john lithgo in cliffhanger are you?

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I know the scream you're talking about, it's not the wilhelm, and it's not the one from Aliens that somebody else here mentioned either. Not sure about other movies but I think it is used in the video game DOOM and a really old Star Wars video game called Dark Forces, the other place I know it from is a tv commercial about Nutri-Grain, a cereal they sell in Australasia.


You're right it's not the Wilhelm scream and yes I think it may have orginally or at least been used in Dark Forces.

I believe it's correct name is "Screams 3; Man, Gut-wrenching Scream
And Fall Into Distance".

Look on YouTube, there's a video complilation of film clips using it. Pretty funny actually. This and the Wilhelm scream have me laughing my head off whenever I hear them now! Probably not the director's intention, lol.

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