MovieChat Forums > Broken Arrow (1996) Discussion > Siskel and Ebert review 'Broken Arrow'

Siskel and Ebert review 'Broken Arrow' ?sec=6&subsec=broken+arrow


Ok so Siskel gives a half-hearted endorsement and Ebert simply doesn't like it. Travolta pocketed $7mil and the movie gets filed somewhere in the bottom of the action-adventure movies of the 90s. I thought the movie was ok but Travolta's character was too soft as a villian and Slater did an ok job of over coming a real bad situation.
In the end both reviewers give the movie two thumbs down.





Roger Ebert: I saw things in Cop & a Half...
Gene Siskel:...That no one else did.

I disagree with them on this movie, but these guys were great.



Even through it is almost 4 years later. and the TV series and the website gone you can still watch their review at . I would think that if you have loved Siskel and Ebert it would be great to hear these two voices again, even through it is 2013 and Gene Siskel is dead, and Roger Ebert had surgey for cancer that has left him without his voice and now he doesn't like the same as he once did before. And hopefully this review will stay up for a good long time, at even how unique of a review that if you had seen it, as Gene Siskel had given it at the very most a mild thumbs up, and then Roger Ebert revels how he hated the movie, and that got Gene Siskel to change his vote, but it seems like that he went to a mild thumbs down.
