Worth Buying?

So would you say this film is worth buying, if you have never seen it before?
I'm a fan of Ewan McGregor, and am considering buying it, but i would appreciate someone else's point of view on the film before i did.



Well it's my favourite film of all time, so of COURSE I'm going to say yes!

I think I could turn and live with animals. They are so placid and self contained.


it's actually pretty good and it's a great critique of todays society, plus the music's great, but theres also a cheesy love story


What do you mean 'cheesy'? That's Tara Fitzgerald. Nobody that great-looking should ever be allowed to play a flugelhorn that well! Actually, I thought she did a pretty good job of actng, too.

If you have any taste at all for brass ensemble or classical music, oh, my yes, this is worth buying!


i think it worth buying. The love story didnt seem cheesey to me. Giving characters love interest is a way to give characters depth.

Inspector Clay is murdered - and somebody's responsible.


I definitely agree that this is a movie to buy without viewing it first. As for the love story, it was a nice bit of side story to the real issues, but it was never overbearing. Terrific playing by the band with good acting by the non players. I've seen too many movies where the "playing" by musicians has not been up to snuff: i.e. Some Like it Hot.


Actually....Tara Fitzgerald didn't play the flugel horn in this! She can't play any instrument at all. Ewan McGregor played tho.


i enjoyed this movie...but i think it depends on your taste. my sister hated it...and i liked it. *shrug* so. i also think that this is not the best movie for Ewan fans...i am a BIG one and i must say that i was a little disapointed in how little he was in this film. dont get me wrong, he was definalty in it and played a part, but it wasnt what i expected. maybe i was just expecting something totally different, and was, therefore, a little disapointed.

.::my gift is my song::.


Well, here in England the Daily Mirror is giving it away free today inside every copy so for us Brits the question is not is it worth buying but is it worth nothing but the cost of a newspaper?


lmao - I paid 50p last night for the Daily Mirror coz it had Brassed Off inside :-) I only bought it for the first time Tara joins the band and they all play Concerto de Aranjuez, it's far more moving to watch than to listen to.

It's an overall awesome movie, I'd pay up to £7 for it on DVD, around £4-5 on video. It is a good movie, set in a similar backdrop to Billy Elliot.

Ultimately, I think it's a brilliant movie, with the emotional and domestic drama as well as the standard "challenge" that every movie has that drives the plot (in this case, winning at the finals). There are some moving scenes as well as moving music, I mean.. I love this movie :-) lol.

In short - if you're in the UK - buy it from the paper. Although it's too late for that. As kyour mates if they have it, lol. If nothing else, go on ebay and look for it and you should be able to save a fair few quid on it. Actually, I think I still might, coz I can't rewind this DVD if I miss a bit, and I would like to. You wanna buy the 50p copy I got?


Ewan McGregor played tho.

The director has said in interviews that, although Ewan McGregor had played brass instruments in his youth, he actually wasn't very good, and was dubbed like everyone else.


That's odd. I know the guy who actually played the flugel solo for Tara F. and he said that although the band members took the piss out of Ewan McGregor... he did actually play and was actually quite good. He might have been dubbed though because of the standard of the band... I've played since I was 8 and I could never match up to a championship section band!

"I don't understand what Billie just said,so I'll talk about chickens."-Tre Cool


What do you mean,
"That's Tara Fitzgerald. Nobody that great-looking should ever be allowed to play a flugelhorn that well!"
In my last band, we had a Flugel player who looked a LOT better than Tara Fitzgerald!!
(A good deal younger, too!! I think she was around 18/19yrs old)


It is worth buying. I remember seeing the previews of this one in 1996. It was a great movie. I had a good cry. It whows how people can stick together. Just think these guys are back in the minds. Coal is big again. I would recomend this movie.
have a great and sobe day
barb from sunny san francisco


It is well worth buying, for it is a very good movie. If you are a Ewan fan it is a MUST BUY. He is so lovely in this movie. Plays a very sweet part and does an excellent acting job. The music is great also. I bought the dvd and the soundtrack. Ewan said he was able to toot along with the band, but he said he was not nearly as good as the fellows in the band. Most of them were real band members. I would highly recommend this movie. The story is a bit grim in some parts but also humourous and inspiring.


It is definitely worth buying. I love this film. You might find a good price on Amazon.com.
