MovieChat Forums > Brassed Off (1996) Discussion > UK / Non-dubbed version in North America...

UK / Non-dubbed version in North America?

Anyone know if the UK / non-dubbed / director's cut of Brassed Off will ever be released in North America?

I don't understand why the 'powers that be' didn't include the UK / USA audio and deleted scenes options when they released Brassed Off on DVD... I have resisted buying this great film because I'm waiting for the UK version to be released in North America. I don't want to purchase an 'all region' dvd player for one movie.

There are a lot of British people living in North America and it ticks me off that we have to suffer through bad dubbing jobs. If a phrase needs explanation - put a caption at the bottom of the screen like they do on TV!


The North American version of the DVD is dubbed? It's not like they're speaking Japanese or something. I was thinking of buying it, but not if it's dubbed...


The North American version of the film has had some of the Yorkshire slang / phrases dubbed so that American / Canadian audiences can enjoy the film without wondering what was said.

However, I wish that the DVD would have both original / Yorkshire and North American audio tracks for the film. On the UK version of the film, there are also some deleted scenes that are not included in the North American version.

I wish the film / DVD makers would let the audience make these choices, instead of making them for us!!!


I feel the same way totally. I was born in Barnsley and played for local brass bands for many years before moving to the U.S. I was so excited when I finally managed to get my hands on a U.S dvd of the movie. Got the popcorn ready, and some Newcastles, settled down and.....a lot of my favourite scenes were missing. I was so disgusted I shut the movie off and went to bed, and I'll probably never watch it again. I am lucky enough now to have an all-region dvd player so I can play my UK version.
