
Why was this movie marketed as a romatic comedy? I rented it to have a romantic night with my G-friend and we ended up crying our eyes out!

Very good movie though.



Are you in America, by any chance? I know that the cover of the US version features Gloria and Andy much more prominently, and the tag line is much more focused on their relationship.

For British release, the backdrop of the miners' strike is far more pertinent, and the love story is incidental.

Glad you enjoyed it though - I love it! And it makes me cry every time too!



I've got a problem with the marketing for the North American version. The two characters of Glora and Andy look nothing like they do in the movie. Gloria has long straight hair and Andy looks rather refined and upper class. An afterthough?


The American packageing wasn't very true or the review of it on the back of the DVD, but it was still a teriffic story. And I didn't mind that there was a bit of a love story. [it sure wasn't much] It gave a nice touch to an otherwise grim story. It also had a little humour and the music was great, which was the heart of the story. In some ways it was an uplifting story also. Very well acted and very much worth watching, and being a Ewan Mcgregor fan, I of course,bought the DVD.---[It sure was not a comedy as stated.]


I've just seen a documentary (Movie Connections) about the film, which said the USA marketing was a Miramax decision and the director etc weren't happy about it. It also said the USA was the least succesful export market for the film.

It certainly wasn't marketed as a love story in Britain, more as a serious comedy.


It also said the USA was the least succesful export market for the film.

well we've seen it and bought it, It is a wonderful film.

all of my movies are listed under "Must See" because YOU must.


I too object to this type of false promotion. I object to the movie being referred to as a "feel good" movie.

"great minds think differently"


I still remember renting Brassed off on VHS when it was released here in sweden, the sad part is that i do remember it so well cause i felt so cheated.

The cover had a smiling Ewan McGregor and a girl and a tuba, on the back you could read that it was a romantic english comedy filled with laughs and warmth, plus quotes from magasines and critics " funniest movie of the year " type.

So i went ok, im in the mood for some humor, rented it, and popped it in the VCR when i got home.

I might be slow in the head or something, or im very gullible, but i watched half the movie still waiting for the romance and comedy, waiting for some laughs.
And that actually ruined the film for me, if i had known what kind of movie to expect, and i would have been in the mood to see it, i probably would have liked it, cause i can still remember much of it.

But havent rewatched it. So its not only in the US they screwed up the marketing or perhaps the swedish distributors just went along with US package.

Either way, it is still to this day the worst example of marketing and distrobution ive come across, and thats what i think of first and foremost when thinkning of this film.


I saw Brassed Off and loved it and watch it every time I can. I also have the DVD. I do not feel the miners strike was that strong in the film, unless they cut scenes for the American audience. ???


Perhaps it was marketed more as a romantic comedy in the USA because they knew that it would sell better, America being the home of the rom. com. Also perhaps they thought the Americans wouldn't understand or relate to the other parts of the story such as the miners situation and wouldn't be interested if that was what they thought it was about.

It is a fantastic film that makes me cry everytime. Pete Poslethwaite is a God!! Also it lays into the Conservative Government and that has me cheering ever time!!


It sure wasn't marketed as a rom com in France

check the movie poster here :


(The french title "Les Virtuoses" was also tongue in cheek)

but as "a comédie dramatique" wich is a very french notion I guess

comedic drama or dramatic comedy doesn't seem right.

I remember seing it with subtitles and thank god for that coz the accents and my bad english would have kept me out of it.


Miramax did the same crappy markething thing with Smoke (1995).

Look upon me! I'll show you the life of the mind!
