Stupid YouTube...

I found several Beetleborgs episodes on YouTube. Not all of them, but a good amount from the first season. Then today I found out that the person's account has been suspended! My guess is that it's because copyrighted material was being shown without the owners' permission.

Well...what I'd like to know is, where else are we supposed to find the episodes? Unless we recorded them ourselves at the time, we're stuck, because the series wasn't released on DVD or VHS! Well, except for the three tapes they released way back when. Heck, I'd have no problem paying to download them, but there's no site for that (that I know of).

I don't even know if it's YouTube's fault; they have to follow the rules, after all. But why in the world do people have to be so stingy with their material? If they have a problem with their show being posted, they should release it to the general public. THEN they'd actually have something to complain about!

*sigh* Anyway, I just needed to vent. Mostly I'm guessing as to the reason for removing the episodes, and suspending this person's account, but it's an educated guess...



Good news, the videos are back on youtube.


I never understood that whole scheme. Let me try to get this straight:

Channel hasn't shown the show in years.

Someone puts show on internet.

Channel takes down show from internet.

Show is kept in vault, when it is obvious that people want to watch it.......


"At the parlay, kicked up. Mack, max motion! Michael Bolton magazine call; I'm too potent!"


this show is on netflix


This reply is many years later, but thank you for letting us know that. I worked as an extra in one of the episodes, and I had never seen it. I was looking on IMDB to see if someone was showing it, and voila! It's still on Netflix. My kids were thrilled to see their Mom ("you were so pretty back then!") on Netflix!


What role did you play?
