Streep = Bloody Awful

I love Liam Neeson; that's the sole reason I even watched this movie. I've never been a fan of Meryl Streep, but it's been more passive than anything. Ie, I'd never NOT watch a movie just because she was in it, but I believe that's changed. She was absolutely terrible in this movie. Just terrible. Neeson was the only one who didn't look like he was in pain during the filming. Streep might as well have been filming a documentary on How Not to Act. I've never seen someone so absolutely unbearably unbelievable in a role. For someone of her caliber, and I use the term loosely in this instance, have acted so poorly? I didn't believe her character for a minute. I wanted to hit her everytime she pretended to be heartsick and overwrought. "What if you destroyed the evidence that proved his innocence?!" Yes! Because innocent, non-guilty people RUN FROM THE LAW!! I wanted to shake some sense into her at every turn.

Awful. Just absolutely horribly awful. I wish they'd had someone else in her role; the movie might have been better. As it was, Neeson was the only saving grace (in my opinion).

* I think I blurred some lines in distinguishing between her character and her acting. I hated her character...she was flat and mewling and whiny. I despised her, and if she'd been my mother, I'd have run, too. I certainly wouldn't have sat around and waited for her to go all Brutus on me in front of the grand jury. Her misplaced self-confidence and smug satisfaction that she did what was "right" absolutely infuriated me. I'm not saying I believe the other way was the way to go, but I hated her actions.

That being said, Streep's acting made an already unbearable character that much worse. Ugh.


Liam Neeson wasn't the saving grace of this film. Yes Meryl was bad but Liam was just as bad, if not worse. His acting choices didn't make sense; he seemed to overact when he was angry and, at other times, just seemed confused at what he should be doing. The script was bad to begin with and I'm pretty sure the director was terrible as well, because who else but George Lucas could make a pair of Oscar winning actors look so second rate? It's definitely a film that both of them should exclude from their resumes.


Well, I'm a Neeson fan, anyway, so even his worst acting is good to me. Same with Johnny Depp, Antonio Banderas, Ralph Feinnes (except I can't get through The End of the Affair for some reason, but that doesn't have anything to do with Feinnes).

"My devil danced with his demon, and the fiddler's tune is far from over."


Yeah, the dad was the only one that actually acted like he gave a rats ass about the boy. Any sensible person would realise the girl died by accident and it would be a stupid waste for him to go to jail. Completely unrealistic Hollywood-esque crap writing where people have super morals.
