Does anybody else?

Does anybody else find the sex scene between Meryl Streep and Liam Neeson to be completely unecessary?


I think the purpose of the scene was to show that with their son home, they were trying to return to their usual relationship. It also could have been shown to suggest that they still had a loving relatioship, despite their disagrements as to how to handle the crisis in their family.




Nice way to "ignore" it movie rat, by posting a reply back.


It was hardly a sex scene, lol.


Yeah,my philosophy is summed up in five words:"Get naked or don't bother."


it was stupid and pointless. they just wanted to show two "superstars" doing it. This whole movie was unnecessary


Totally and absolutely agree. Also, never thought I would see Streep (or Neeson, for that matter) do a poor acting job, but their portrayals were both forced and inauthentic. Also, the actor who portrayed the son was about as bad as acting gets, if that's what's you call what he was attempting to do.


Oooooh Wheeeee The expert has spoken. Thanks for weighing in Your Eminence. Oh you know what an expert is, don't you, she's that gal from out of town.


Am curious. Was your comment in response to my comment?


She's right about this one.



That's for today's movie patrons. It's boring unless it has sex in it.
The sex scence was completely unneccessary.



I somewhat disagree, but it doesn't matter. What I find astonishing is that in listing all of the "poor" performances, you overlook the absolute worst: the girl who plays the daughter is a complete no-talent. She's so bad that she gives even Meryl Streep nothing to work with -- and we're talking about someone who can play brilliantly off of Roseanne Barr, Cher and Anne Hathaway.



Completely agree, choirboy. I came onto this board specifically to see how many others thought her performance was horrible at best. Liked the movie other than that, especially Liam Neeson's performance...

Liberals think conservatives are evil;
Conservatives think liberals are stupid...


While I find the visual of, albeit clothed, groping between those two actors somewhat unnecessary personally, I think it is useful in driving home the central theme of people desperately trying to cling to any semblance of how life was "before" vs. "after" a horrific event. Possibly it was even supposed to seem a little weird because, as the girl reminds us at the end, there really isn't any going back to the way things were. That is, the days of non-creepy sex.

p.s. thought Furlong's portrayal of a sulky, totally-*beep*-and-knows-it teenager was spot on. Why the heck is he doing B-movies where he pretends to be possessed by the devil?


Yes. Absolutely unnecessary.


I agree that it was unnecessary and badly performed, yet Streep and Neeson are excellent actors. The scene was just ugly.


Nonsense. Is it hard to believe two middle-aged married people can have sex and enjoy it? Nudity is not the point, although Hollywood (as with most things) fails to understand this: Intimacy is the point of sex, especially when you've been married for 16+ years. Necessary scene to show just how in love these married people are. Good for them. 8/10


Sex scene? Are you calling that 20 second scene were they lie down and KISS!? A sex scene? Huh??
