
Was the dad supposed to be Irish or was it just a bad American accent? Kind of slipped in and out....


Well Liam Neeson is Irish but has been in America for some time so I assume he was speaking in his normal accent!


It is definitely a slip when he's angry/emotional. The Dad is supposed to be American. Liam Neeson was pulling an American accent but his northern Irish brogue is rather strong (as opposed to, say, Bono from U2's accent). Not the biggest deal, but it was very noticeable in certain scenes.

Typically, I find the UK/Irish actors can do a better American accent than vice-versa. Although, the record for worst all time accent might go to Ewan McGregor's atrocious American accent in Island of Dr. Moraeue...even tho I loved him in Trainspotting, an all-time favorite...


I agree that the Brits can carry off an American accent rather than vice versa, but then again - such as in this case, where Neeson's American accent stunk - I wonder why they don't either address it somehow in the script, or just get an American actor for the part. It's not like this movie was Oscar material. It was pretty bad, if you ask me, and I was surprised at the supposed A-list actors in it.


I didn't think it was *that* bad, but you're right, certainly not Oscar material. I think I gave it a 6/10 because I do think a few scenes with the family being all emotional were pretty good, and that you could definitely see the parents struggling with the moral choices (the ending was kind of a let down, though...)

I do think Eddie Furlong was really, really obnoxious in it--like you just wanted to slap the kid in the face. A far fall from grace compared to the legendary T2 Judgment Day.


I'm glad I wasn't imagining that.
