Ste's dad...

I might be way off the mark here but I had a feeling during this film (which I absolutely love btw) that Ste's dad might be secretly gay. Not really sure what it was that made me think this, but just something about the way his character is during the fim and the way he's getting ready to go out at the end.

Am I way totally wrong or did anyone else get this feeling?


I definitely got the feeling there was something up, but also with his brother. I was almost expecting an incest/paedophilia angle (too-much Bergman and Isabelle Huppert, I think, has influenced the way I see some things.)


Nah, I think Trevor and Ste's dad are just chavvy bastards who are angry and frustrated with their dead-end lives in their dead-end estate and so they take it out on the weakest member of the household.


I totally agree this assessment, "flowers on razorwire".


Yes, I have exactly the same feeling. I am gay. Look how ste's father dressed himself. typically an mid-age-gay-man. Plus he shows abusive and dominant character. I have to say that there's a high probability that he is homosexual.


Anything is possible in the realm of fiction. I do believe, though, that the dad and Trevor are "straight" males


Contrary to popular belief, not every angry homophobe is a closet case. Some people are just jerks.


I didn't feel like either of them were gay. I felt like Ste's brother and father were just cruel, abusive *beep*

Not every homophobe is a closet-case. Some people are just cruel.

Not today, Satan. Not today.
