Gar Bar Scene

I absolutely Love this movie. The First Gay film I ever seen and Loved. But I always feel embarrassed when the drag queen scene comes on. I watched the Film with my parents that was the only part I wish I could of Skipped


I thought it was sweet! I loved how the drag queen kept teasing Jamie, calling him 'petal', etc. I'm sure it was mortifying for him, since it was his first time in a gay bar and all, but I love how that kind of crowd is accepting of everyone. The teasing was all in good fun, but Jamie probably wouldn't be able to appreciate it until he was a bit older.


C'mon - that was his mock coy act!


Yeah, drag queens are creepy. I would not have appreciated him speaking to me like that.


Aww, come on. Drag queens are fun!! And it can be fun to wear a skirt and heels for a bit (as a man)


I really liked that scene and I thought it was fun..especially Ste being teased by the draq queen. I give you props for watching this film with your parents. I can't watch most movies with my parents. I get super embarrassed and uncomfortable during any love scenes even if they're pretty tame.
