MovieChat Forums > The Arrival (1996) Discussion > Why are the E.T.s always naked?

Why are the E.T.s always naked?

This movie could have been really great - the first half of it indeed is. But then it gets down to a silly 'alien invasion' story, when it could have been more grand - I especially like those parts where Charlie is looking for answers and using the computer systems, listening for the signal and wondering what the heck is going on. Still, once one accepts the shallowness of the premise and the moronic cliché of the storyline, it's an ok, acceptable and entertaining movie, with Charlie Sheen really doing an intense and believable performance.

My question doesn't only have to do with this movie, but almost every movie and TV show with E.T.s in them. Why are they always that same exact color (greyish brown), why are they always naked, and why can't they ever speak english when they are not in 'human disguise'? (Neither can The Terminators and such - when they lose the 'human skin', they become completely mute, at least in the first movie)

It's like we are supposed to believe that there's this amazingly advanced civilization, capable of inventing and using technology that's thousands of years ahead of what we know, but they are inable/unwilling to use any kind of clothing garments whatsoever. That is always so weird to me. When you look at the life on Terra, you can notice that it's the lower lifeforms that do not have clothing, and the higher lifeforms are already using them. Why would you NOT use clothes, if you have the option? They are handy, they protect you from the weather effects, they keep you warm, they cover the erogenic areas, and they can be used to give information (uniforms, like a pilot, a fireman, police and a cable guy, construction worker etc. make it easy to recognize certain groups immediately) and emphasize certain things when necessary (like sexually provocative clothes, for example, and so on).

Even the ancient egyptians, who were wise and above our current spiritual level (way above), used some kind of clothes, although it was presumably pretty hot in Egypt.

The nakedness makes sense in the scene where the E.T. is preparing to be disguised as a human, but later on you see a group of E.T.s gathering and talking in their (typically odd-sounding and low pitch) language (isn't that always the case? Why can't an other-planetary language resemble japanese or chinese, or any of the zillions of languages spoken by people on Terra?), clearly trying to inform each other about Charlie's character (Zane - heh, what a fitting name - it's like a combination of "Insane" and "Zany"), and then go on looking for him.

I mean, wouldn't SOME kind of uniform have served a purpose there?

I challenge you to find an E.T. movie or TV show that shows visually non-human-looking E.T.s wearing clothes. I would be really curious to see one, or even know about one.

And the Star Trek movies won't do - their E.T.s are still just "slightly made-up humans" in the visual sense. Try to find a movie with E.T.s, who look like the ones in "The Arrival", and who are fully clothed. The closest example I can think of is the Star Wars movies (the cantina, for example).

Who ever thought it was a good idea to always make them genderless and naked? (I mean, you can't show genitals on TV or in movies a lot without affecting 'the rating' (or even ratings, heh heh) - so why not just give up and put some clothes on them?)

Who is responsible for this trend? Is there at least some kind of plausible reason for it?

And no, a geek who has modelled, textured, shaded, lit and rendered something an awfully long time with lots of work and trouble is not a good enough reason. "Hey, I want people to see what I rendered, clothes would interfere with my cool skin-plugin's ability to show off" is not a good reason. I think that's why they do it - they want to show off their software and skills, but they might not be good enough to create good-looking clothes for their creations, so they just leave them naked.

Other than that, I can't really even guess why would they always want to make them naked, except maybe some egotistical sense of superiority. "Well, they are more advanced than us, but at least we have the decency to wear clothes!".. that can't be the right answer, can it? Please tell me there's a more sensible answer.

If I was to travel to another planet, no matter what the mission is, I would definitely wear some clothes. I mean, people should at least have some sort of space suits for easier exploration of planets and for convenience. But no. Always naked.


To add some information, even the E.T.s in games like Half-Life 2 (and the first one, if I remember correctly) are always naked! Even in computer and video games.

I don't get it.. why must they always be completely naked? Not even shoes to protect their feet. Nothing.

If anyone can dig up an example or few about non-human-looking E.T.s having clothes on (in the media or entertainment - like movies and computer/video games, TV shows, etc.), I'd be interested to know.

Hm.. I can't remember what the E.T.s in "Halo" look like.. do they wear clothes? Never mind, I'll probably find out long before anyone can reply to this.


The aliens in Halo all wore clothing and/or body armor.


Wow, you spent a long time on this


The aliens in Mars Attacks! wore clothes and space suits.


My question doesn't only have to do with this movie, but almost every movie and TV show with E.T.s in them. Why are they always that same exact color (greyish brown), why are they always naked, and why can't they ever speak english when they are not in 'human disguise'? (Neither can The Terminators and such - when they lose the 'human skin', they become completely mute, at least in the first movie)

Aliens wouldn't necessarily act like humans. In fact, real aliens would probably be so different from us that we wouldn't even realize that they are alive, or sentient. They wouldn't have human values or follow human logic.

As for why they don't speak English when out of disguise, they spoke their own language when they didn't need to fool humans. And I'm pretty sure I once read that the reason the terminator didn't speak after losing its skin was because they all felt that it would look silly to see it working its jaw up and down while Arnold's voice came from it. Besides, the terminator rarely spoke unless it was necessary. Once the skin has been burned off, there's really nothing it needs to say.

I challenge you to find an E.T. movie or TV show that shows visually non-human-looking E.T.s wearing clothes. I would be really curious to see one, or even know about one.

The mutant in This Island Earth wears pants. A furry alien in Zone Troopers wears a silver jumpsuit. The "prawns" in District 9 wear clothes.

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Et Cetera. The best clothed alien ever!


"If I was to travel to another planet, no matter what the mission is, I would definitely wear some clothes. "

haha makes sense.

Also the alien from the fake autopsy video wasn't wearing anything either ! & even when Hulk morphs, he still wears pants ! lol

''As Imbecile examines finger, Wise man sees who's watching Imbecile, & Moon gets intimacy.'' H.E


Aliens are often depicted in movies without clothes because many of those movies are depicting the type of alien known as the Grays from the star system Zeta Reticuli, or similar species. There are a number of different types of Grays that all look a bit different from each other but still follow a basic body type. The aliens in this movie seem similar to the range of different types of Grays. The images used in the movies are often based on eyewitness descriptions of those aliens. The Grays apparently either don’t wear clothes, or they wear a body suit that is so form fitting and shear that it looks like skin – again from eyewitness descriptions.

They grays are thousands of years more advanced than us. Not so much that they have strayed from the upright, bipedal, horizontally mirrored body, but perhaps enough so that their physiology or technology enables them to better regulate body temperature without clothes, and their societal mores are more advanced than ours – they are probably not embarrassed by their genitals.

Why wear clothes if you don’t need to. We wear clothes because we need help in order to keep ourselves warm or to cover up the genitals due to ancient and still intact primitive ideas of our sexuality having to remain hidden. We certainly don’t wear much clothes on a warm day at the beach. About the only clothes you will see there is the bathing suit covering, again, the genitals (and of course, usually female breasts). At some beaches, clothing is entirely optional.

Other aliens, like the Pleiadians who look just like us and have common ancestry with us, wear clothes while they are visiting us. What they do on their home worlds, I do not know.

So, I guess whether or not an alien wears clothes depends on which type of alien we are talking about. Currently, there are about 40 species of aliens visiting Earth to witness and partake in the changes that will take place on this planet in the next 25 or so years.


>...and why can't they ever speak english when they are not in 'human disguise'?

They probably can, but when they're not in disguise why the heck should they speak an alien language (english) and not their own language?


In Bugs Bunny and the Three Stooges, aliens wear clothes and speak English.

So do cavemen.


Good question. Don't know. Maybe they don't have Abercrombie & Fitch where they come from.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


Well, you mentioned Star Wars, which is a good example of truly alien-looking creatures still wearing clothes, and I'm sure there are many more out there, but I have to admit, I'm struggling to think of any. The one that springs to mind though, is Independence Day! Those aliens are actually revealed to be wearing bio-suits - so while they don't look like clothes in the way that we would normally picture them, they actually are wearing something.

