The DVD is very expensive!

Damn, I wish I would've bought back then!

This one and "It's About Time" is two of my favorite guilty pleasure.

I'm glad Obama won, but I will not jump on the Pro-Choice bandwagon


Just saying....


The DVD really is expensive. I ordered my copy on VHS a few years ago because the DVD was more than I was willing to pay. They need to re-release this film on DVD again because it really is a good film in my opinion.

I've been waiting for you, Ben.


Hopefully this film will be released on blu-ray eventually?


Why? To take advantage of all that grainy goodness???



It's not as much as it was; it's certainly gone down in price from what I can tell. I remember seeing a couple of years ago that it was running $100 roughly, but now there are copies on Amazon for $20-30, probably because people realized nobody was going to pay that much for it. I got it for $9.99 when it was originally put out. I like the movie; it's stupid but it's a fun '90s time capsule.
