MovieChat Forums > American Buffalo (1996) Discussion > Why do people who don't get Mamet watch ...

Why do people who don't get Mamet watch Mamet?

That's the only way I can explain the rating of this film. A 5.3?!? If you don't get Mamet, don't watch Mamet. It's that easy.



"Why do people who don't get Mamet watch Mamet?"

Got me!

I LOVE Mamet :)

"I can't stand a naked light bulb, any more than..a rude remark or a vulgar action" Blanche DuBois


The rating is because the film is bad.

The reason why people who hate Mamet would watch a Mamet film is because you have to step on a few dog biscuits before you learn to avoid them.

Mamet is a new biscuit to me; but I'll watch out in the future.

It won't help the rating though. Lousy is lousy.


Mamet is about the words. And the journey with people you would never want to know in real life. Mamet is an altered state of consciousness. There is no such thing as bad Mamet. Only people who shouldn't be able to watch or rate his work.


This is definitely one of the better adaptations of David Mamet's work. Mamet's compact and incisive script not only offers a fascinating and provocative dissertation on ethics, friendship, loyalty, and betrayal, but also paints a bleakly compelling portrait of two hopeless small-time losers who are fatally undermined by their own pathetic intrinsic fallibility.

I am the Duke of IMDb bio writers! I am A#1!


The original question is operative and can be applied to others as well. Just because you don't get, it doesn't mean it's bad.

Kisskiss, Bangbang
