About Carface

Something I don't understand about Carface. I heard he was killed at the end of the first movie, and as he is the bad guy, he would have ended up rotting in Hell for all eternity. How was he able to come back in this second movie?

Carface dies in this movie(again) when Red drags him into Hell because he in fact sold his soul for his collar. How was he able to come back in the later-released TV Series and even the main character in the special "An All Dogs Christmas Carol"?


The Whippet Angel brought him back in the first movie (since Carface "pulled a Charlie" when he grabbed his clock and tried to wind it to take vengence on King Gator who ate him). He went to heaven at the end of the last movie since as the Whippet Angel said, "All dogs go to heaven". Charlie was just as much of a "bad guy" as Carface in the beginning of the movie, yet he was still allowed into heaven. She believes that all dogs are naturally good and therefore if they don't do something in heaven that screws their chances, they are put in heaven.

As for the CC, that is pretty much a Christmas special for the series. No one really knows why Carface re-appeared. Red could've allowed him back up if he agreed to be a bad guy, Belladonna could've let him go free, that kind of stuff but no one is totally sure. The bigger mystery is why Killer was there as there is no evidence in the second movie or the series about his death or anything for that matter.


It's kind of an issue with the cannon part of the story. Carface died in the first one, went back to Earth and probably died again. However, that doesn't make much sense as Annabelle told Charlie he could never come back after the incident with his watch.

You'd have to assume that Carface didn't succeed in getting back to Earth and was in heaven until sometime just before 2 started. As for his reappearance in the TV show, it doesn't make much sense. Belladona/Red kind of conflict a little bit. The series really isn't cannon, and neither is the special.

One big plot hole. How was Charlie familiar with San Francisco when he came from New Orleans in the first one? Anne Marie kind of drops off the face of the earth too for that matter. I doubt she would have let Itchy kill himself; by all accounts it doesn't make much sense.


Forget trying to piece it all together, because you can't. I find it best just to watch each piece as a separate entity apart from the others. Otherwise, you miss out on the laughs that you can have on each piece.

Plus, comparing each piece to the one that came before it is only disheartening. The first movie's awesome, the second's OK, the series is fun, and the Christmas special is....... never mind.

I am glad you are with me, Samwise Gamgee. Here at the end of all things.

-Frodo: the Return of the King.
