MovieChat Forums > Albino Alligator (1997) Discussion > Albo Gator Shot in Pool Game

Albo Gator Shot in Pool Game

June 18, 2007
I just saw 15 minutes of this film including TV interview, pool game
with "Albo Gator" shot, and Faye Dunnaway having private conversation
with Matt Dillon. Terrific !!! Now i'm going to see the whole movie
Bill in Bradenton Pool Room



Most bars I've been to don't play strictly by the rules unless there's an official tournament going on.


This post is ancient, but in regular old American bar pool, you don't have to hit the rail, just another ball. Dova was, for some reason, shooting for the kid, taking the shot at the 7 he was so amped about. Then he missed (the kid's shot), then he took his own turn.

Sometimes I could kiss your mind, Roy.
