Offensively Stupid

It's really difficult to take seriously a movie in which kids head off into the Alaskan wilderness accompanied by A Friendly Polar Bear when one has recently had the experience of sitting in an Anchorage hotel room with two fat books of nothing but stories of unprovoked bear attacks, while watching on the TV a news report of a couple mauled by bears, followed by a public service announcement reminding people that you're nuts if you go more then ten feet into the wilderness without a shotgun about the size of your leg. I don't know why the movies encourage the youth of today to horse around with bear cubs whenever the opportunity arises. They should read passages from real bear books, for example: " I felt his teeth scraping against bone, I was struck by how strange it was that I could feel it, could see buckets of my blood, and yet there was so little actual pain."


lol ya these movies give stupid 'city kids' the wrong message. I hate when tourists come up and have formulated all their opinions and responses on the sole basis of the media. But then again, I just hate tourists lol.


I hate when tourists come up and have formulated all their opinions and responses on the sole basis of the media

that is so true


1. There's a photo of a polar/grizzly hybrid a few years ago in the news. It was remarkable because the species are typically very far apart.

2. You are right about the movies downplaying the danger of wild animals. I think the movie called "grizzly man" about the Santa Monica native that trekked into Alaska grizzly bear habitat for years, was interviewed by jay Leno ? Before he got himself and girlfriend eaten alive by one of them. I think the attack was caught on video/audio but was too gruesome even for the documentary.


They didn't adopt the bear, they let a cub go, and he followed them; it was a lucky coincidence. The fact that they were fast-moving, stayed in the open and traveled greatly by water probably kept them in the clear of predators.
